Blessings in the Berry Field

Blessings in the Berry Field

Hubby and I were picking raspberries this last Saturday and there were two little girls a few rows over and down a little ways, and they were just singing and singing!!    You know how little kids sing nonsensical made-up songs.   

They were in a competition with their mom to see who could pick the most berries, so their song went:  “We’re gonna win!  We’re gonna win!  We’re gonna win!”    It was so cute!  

It reminded me a lot of myself when I was a little girl  …  I used to sing all the time!  

In fact, both my kids used to sing all the time when they were little  …  especially when they played Legos together!  

I think God hardwired us to sing!    It’s in our very nature to sing!    God made us to sing! 

Little kids haven’t been jaded by life.    They don’t know any better  …  so they sing exuberantly and joyfully about anything and everything!   

The two little girls in the raspberry field kept singing made-up songs the entire time hubby and I picked berries.  

It was so fun to pick raspberries and listen to those cute little girls singing the whole time! 

I can’t help but think God is every bit as much delighted to hear us sing to Him!  

On Sunday afternoon hubby and I went blueberry picking!    And would you believe that in the blueberry field there were also little kids singing!!    As hubby and I were picking, two little girls and their family came walking past looking for a spot to start picking.  

The two little girls exclaimed:  “There’s lots and lots of berries here that we can pick!!”   At which point they launched into song:  “There’s lots and lots of berries here!!  Lots and lots of berries!  etc. …”    

Once again  …  it was so cute!

Far across the field, you could hear other little kids singing.

God loves to hear us sing!!    God hardwired us to sing!!  

Don’t hold back  …  sing exuberantly!    Sing joyfully!    It’s good for you to sing!!  

“Praise the LORD.  How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise Him!”  – Psalm 147:1  

“Sing to the LORD with thanksgiving.”  – Psalm 147:7  

“Sing to the LORD a new song.”  – Psalm 149:1