Blessings at Church: Security Team … and Psalm 23

Blessings at Church:  Security Team … and Psalm 23

I sat next to hubby in church this past Sunday. 

About halfway through the service a good friend of ours got up and left the sanctuary.    He is on the Security Team and was obviously called out.  

The Security Team at church does not mess around!    They are highly trained and highly equipped to handle any potential threat.  

As our friend slipped out of the service, I found myself deeply grateful for the Security Team at church!    It was also right about that time that the pastor shared the third point in his sermon:  

*  The LORD is my shepherd – He is protecting me fervently.   

It suddenly struck me  …  Jesus  –  my shepherd  –  is just like the Security Team at church!  

Jesus does not mess around!   
And  …  Jesus is highly equipped to handle anything!  

No matter what happens in my life  …  it has first gone through the surveillance of my good shepherd.  

Even if I don’t like it.    Even if it feels like it is ruining my life.    My good shepherd knows!    My good shepherd has “eyes on it.”    And my good shepherd is protecting me fervently!  

Sometimes it doesn’t feel like my good shepherd is protecting me.   Sometimes it doesn’t look like my good shepherd is protecting me.   

Just because I can’t see my good shepherd’s protection does not mean Jesus is not protecting me.    For example, I can’t see everything the Security Team at church does.    In fact, I don’t even know who else is on the Security Team.    Any random person at church could be a Security Team member  …  and I wouldn’t even know.  

I can’t see the Security Team’s expertise.    I can’t see their history of extensive experience.    I can’t see their “protective measures.”    I can’t see their surveillance.  

The thing is  …  I’m not supposed to see any of that!    That’s the whole point of Security  …  you’re not supposed to see.  

I’m supposed to know that the Security Team is there  …  and I’m supposed to rest and trust in their protection.  

The same thing is true when it comes to Jesus, my good shepherd, protecting me.    I’m not supposed to see all the many ways Jesus is protecting me.    I’m simply supposed to know that Jesus is protecting me  …  and I’m supposed to rest and trust in my good shepherd’s protection.  

Thank you Jesus for a highly trained, highly capable Security Team at church!  

And thank you Jesus  –  my good shepherd  –  for Your protection for me!