Blessings at Church: Loving mamas … and Psalm 23

Blessings at Church: Loving mamas … and Psalm 23

I sat next to hubby at church this past Sunday, waiting for the morning service to begin.   People were mingling and chatting,  many others were wandering in and taking their seats.  

My attention was caught by a loving mama holding her little baby close to her, as she walked beside her hubby to find a seat.   They wound up sitting right behind hubby and me.  

Oh  …  there’s another sweet loving mama holding her little baby close to her!  Her little baby was cuddled close and at perfect peace in its loving mama’s arms.    This mama found a seat several rows in front of hubby and me.  

Oh   …   there’s another loving mama just a few rows over to the left.   Her little baby was likewise held close,  and wrapped in her loving nurturing arms.  

The church service started.    The time of worship and singing was amazing  …  as always!  

The pastor got up and began sharing from God’s Word with us.    His message was over the first part of Psalm 23  …  about how the LORD is my shepherd.  

Here are the first two points in his sermon:  

*  The LORD is my shepherd – He knows me personally  

*  The LORD is my shepherd – He is watching over me continually  

I was struck by how the LORD, my shepherd, is to me, just like those loving mamas are to their little babies.   

Those loving mamas are so nurturing and caring for their precious little babies.    In the same way, Jesus –  my shepherd –  is nurturing and caring for me!   Jesus is exactly that same way  …  for me!    What a cool picture of what Jesus, my shepherd is like!  

Those loving mamas know their little babies personally!    If several babies were to be crying down the hall, each one of those loving mamas could totally pick out her own baby’s cry, specifically!   (speaking from experience here!)   

Not only that, each of those mama’s senses are so fine-tuned that each one could pick up on the fact that her baby was crying when probably nobody else would even notice!   (also speaking from experience)  

Jesus, my shepherd, knows me personally!    Just like each of those loving mamas knows her baby personally!    Jesus, my shepherd, hears my cry!    Jesus knows when I’m hurting or sad or need Him.    Jesus hears me!  

What a cool picture of what Jesus, my shepherd, is like! 

As the service progressed, the little baby behind hubby and me began to get a little fussy.    Its loving mama responded by gathering up her things and carrying her little baby out.  

I couldn’t help but feel for that mama.    I know what that’s like.    When I was a young mama with a little baby, it felt like I would never be able to enjoy sitting in a church service ever again.    It felt like I would never have a real life, like the rest of the world, ever again.   

My baby needed me  …  and so I gave up a lot!    I gave up my freedom  …  I gave up my independence  …  I gave up what I wanted to do, in order to care for my little baby, and meet its needs. 

Jesus, my shepherd, gave up absolutely everything for me!    Jesus, my shepherd, gave His very life for me! 

Jesus gave up His glory in Heaven  …  He gave up His freedom of being Almighty God, and instead humbled Himself to be a mere human.   

Jesus gave up His independence of being All-Sovereign, All-Powerful God, and instead subjected Himself to obey his earthly parents and earthly authority. 

Jesus gave up what He wanted  …  in order to meet my needs and provide salvation for my soul.   

Wow!   What an incredible picture! 

Thank you Jesus for being my loving nurturing shepherd!  
Thank you Jesus for knowing me, personally!  

Thank you  Jesus for watching over me continually!   
Thank you Jesus for holding me close to Your heart!   
Thank you Jesus for hearing my cry and taking care of me!   

Thank you Jesus for sacrificing Yourself, in order to meet my deepest needs!  

I love you Jesus!