Blessings in the dirt: God’s glory is there … in every season!

Blessings in the dirt:  God’s glory is there … in every season!

Our temps were down in the 20’s yesterday.   I went out in the crisp cold afternoon to sprinkle my “prize” of used coffee grounds on the garden (that’s a blessing I’ll write about tomorrow!). 

As I was having a wonderful time sprinkling my blessing of coffee grounds all throughout the garden, I noticed (totally as an accidental happenstance) some sparkly crystals in the dirt which caught my attention.  

Ooooooo!!    What have we here?!   

I bent down to take a closer look. 

You can see the sparkly crystals in today’s background photo.  Aren’t they amazing!  The camera was right down next to the dirt, and that space between the dirt and the “top crust of the ground” is about 1 ½”.  

I have no idea how those crystals grew like that!  That’s amazing!     God is amazing!    Only God could make such delicate crystals grow like that … rising vertically off the dirt, to form a “fake top crust of ground.”     I had walked right into the garden, crunching on the hard, frozen dirt  …  not even realizing all that frozen “crunching” underfoot was me stepping all over these incredible crystals. 

How often do we “walk through life”  …  “crunching on hard frozen ground”  …  in a season that is so hard.   It’s such a cold season! 

Yet … God’s glory is there!    

There in the cold, hard, frozen season.   

It’s rarely noticeable on the surface.    Only as we are attentive and attuned to Holy Spirit’s promptings in our soul, He catches our attention – of something sparkly over there  –  so we bend down to take a closer look.   And wow!    We’re blown away by God’s glory  …  right there in the middle of it all! 

God’s glory is there!  …  in every season!

Canyon Hills Worship – “Every Season” – YouTube