Birdbath Fill-Up

Birdbath Fill-Up

My birthday is approaching,
in a month or more. 
My daughter found the perfect gift,
hidden on the forest floor.

A concrete birdbath basin,
resting on a rotten stump,
fashioned from leftover building concrete,
rather than being taken to the dump.

What a perfect “Bird’th-day” present
for a mom who loves all things. 
So my daughter set it up
on a new stump just this spring.

My “Bird’th-day” present birdbath
is right where I can see
as I stand to do the dishes
in my kitchen regularly.

I fill it up with water. 
What joy!  Won’t this be fun! 
I’ve never had a birdbath. 
I sure hope birds will come.

I keep an anxious eye
out my window all the day. 
Surprise of all surprises …
the water drains away.

It seems the birdbath basin,
fashioned as an afterthought,
wasn’t sealed.  And so the water
drains away … every drop.

If the basin is to hold water
it must be filled up every day
with fresh clean water,
so the birds can splash and play.

So I head outside each morning,
with my watering can in hand,
to carry water from the tap
to where the birdbath stands.

As the water fills the basin,
fresh and clean each new day,
I ponder how my life is like
that birdbath that drains away.

Many people need refreshing …
cause life is hard, and dry, and hot. 
They need a birdbath basin …
a place to rest and stop.

A place where they’re encouraged
to keep on keeping on. 
A place where their weary souls
can get a bit more strong.

But the water in my basin
drains away, because its hot. 
Furthermore, all the splashing
empties almost every drop.

The wind does its part …
sending ripples over the rim. 
There’s only one solution
to stay filled up to the brim:

I need Living Water,
fresh and clean … every day! 
Because only God can give
what people need, who’ll come my way.

I need His Living Water
from His Word to fill my bowl, 
cause He knows what they are struggling with; 
He knows what will heal their soul.

Every . Single . Day
Living Water from His Word,
filling up my basin
with fresh truths that can be heard.

As I head outside each morning
with my watering can in hand,
I think “Have I filled up yet,
for what today God has planned?”

Every . Single . Day
Living Water is what I need! 
I must keep my birdbath filled up! 
So with God I go to meet.

By: Amy Hayes