Bird Babies on a Beam … Blessings in the “Blah”

Bird Babies on a Beam … Blessings in the “Blah”

A bird decided to build its nest in the car barn … directly over top of our car. 

My immediate “blink” reaction was to remove that nest!  As soon as possible!  How dare that bird build its nest directly over top of our car!  It’s going to make a mess of bird droppings all over the car!   

Then, just as quick, Proverbs 14:4 came to mind:  “Where there are no oxen, the crib is clean; but much increase is by the strength of the ox.”

Except … that wasn’t exactly how it went.  What actually came to mind was:  “Where there are no bird babies, the car is clean;  but much birdsong will fill the forest by bird babies hatching in the nest.” 

And so, the nest has remained.  Thus far there has not been a mess of bird droppings all over the car.  Whenever I go to get in the car, the mama bird is there … sitting on her nest. 

Relationships are a lot like this.  People are drama!  Life can be messy! 

Have you ever found yourself thinking – “Life would be so much simpler if I didn’t have to deal with people!” 

Perhaps Proverbs 14:4 might also read:  “Where there are no people, life is clean & tidy;  but much joy in living comes from relationships with other people!”