Beauty in the Storm

Beauty in the Storm

It’s Saturday morning …
Thunder is rumbling! 
A storm has settled in.

This wasn’t expected …
a thunderstorm today,
just as protests and riots
are getting underway.

Intense vibrations
reverberate beneath my feet! 
I think of the wicked people
rioting in my city’s streets.

With each round of thunder
God is speaking loud and clear! 
God’s addressing those wicked people! 
But they don’t want to hear.

God’s thunder shakes the earth! 
He speaks again and again,
as the wicked people in downtown
carry out their evil plan.

God opens up the heavens! 
Sheets of heavy, cold rain fall! 
The storm has been unleashed! 
The riot is a free-for-all.

All day long it downpours! 
The rioting rages too! 
God’s storm, sent from the heavens,
and evil’s storm, shown on the news.

I thank God for His thunder! 
I thank God for His voice! 
I thank God for His downpour
that He’s rained on all the “noise.”

Evil’s storm wreaks devastation. 
Disaster is everywhere. 
Ugliness and hatred
are broadcast on the air.

The day draws to a close. 
Mists settle in. 
Downtown is a mess. 
Did evil’s storm win?

I find myself standing
above Snoqualmie Falls …
it’s mighty roar thundering,
leaving me in awe!

Power … from the storm! 
Power caused by rain. 
Power … as all the tiny drops
gathered as they drained.

Thunderous, awesome power! 
Beauty from the storm! 
I stand and contemplate
my city that’s just been torn.

Not a soul is at the falls. 
Nobody sees this view. 
Nobody sees this power …
it’s not broadcast on the news.

Beauty from the storm
that happened today. 
Did beauty also happen
from evil’s ugly storm of pain?

Yes! … beauty happened … 
though it wasn’t seen. 
There was beauty in the storm,
hidden in the little things.

There was beauty in the prayers
of all the grandmas on their knees! 
There was beauty in the hands and feet
of officers responding to the need!

There was beauty in the prayers
of our pastors for their flocks! 
There was beauty in the prayers
for our police who were on the spot!

There was beauty as dads and moms
served and loved their families,
and as our many citizens
continued to labor faithfully.

There was beauty in the laughter
of different races in my home, 
as new friendships were formed
by these young ladies living on their own.

There was beauty as volunteers
showed up the next day
to sweep up broken glass
and to clear the mess away.

There was beauty as artsy people
painted murals across walls,
covering up evil’s ugly storm. 
Yes! … beauty, after-all!

Powerful beauty! 
Power from the storm. 
Power in uniting
to restore what evil had torn.

Evil’s storm is still continuing
to rage and cause pain. 
But there is beauty … and there is power …
as every drop combines to drain.

There is beauty as we pray!! 
There is power on our knees!! 
There is beauty as we open up
our home to those in need.

There is beauty as we calm
our neighbors, filled with fear. 
There is beauty as we strengthen
those weak and close to tears.

There is beauty as we support
and pray for those on the front line. 
There is beauty as we’re united,
and let our light shine!

There is beauty in this storm! 
So take heart! … for another day. 
God is in control! 
And He’ll have the final say!

By Amy Hayes
June 2020