Bearing Kingdom Fruit – Resting

Bearing Kingdom Fruit – Resting

The strawberries growing in this field are not working hard.  They are not toiling.  They are simply resting, underneath the leaves. 

The fruit grows slowly, bit by bit, day by day.  The strawberries grow because they are connected to the vine.  And it is from the vine that nutrients and moisture are drawn from the soil to sustain them. 

So also it is in our spiritual lives, if we are to bear fruit for the Kingdom of Heaven. 

We cannot produce Kingdom Fruit by working at it.   It is the Holy Spirit who produces Kingdom Fruit in our lives … as we rest in Him. 

Kingdom Fruit in our lives is produced slowly, bit by bit, day by day.  We grow as we are connected to the vine – Jesus Christ.  And it is from Jesus that our souls are nourished with the Truth of God and the Water of His Word.