Bearing Kingdom Fruit – Different Stages

Bearing Kingdom Fruit – Different Stages

In looking at our background photo, this is what bearing Kingdom Fruit looks like … some fruit is ripe & ready for harvest; some fruit is still red but beginning to turn ripe;  some fruit is in the beginning stages … small, hard, & green.  Many different stages of fruit … all growing together on the same vine. 

As the Holy Spirit works in our lives to produce Kingdom Fruit, our lives have Kingdom Fruit that is ripe & ready for harvesting … so that we might be a blessing to others and build God’s Kingdom. 

At the same time, our lives also have Kingdom Fruit that is still in process … the Holy Spirit has been working on an area; it’s making progress, but it’s not quite there yet. 

Then there is Kingdom Fruit that is in the beginning stages … it’s an area of growth & character development the Holy Spirit has just pointed out to us.

Many different stages of Kingdom Fruit … all growing together on the same vine, Jesus Christ.