Be who God made you to be!

Be who God made you to be!

Words of Wisdom from my journal: 

“I do not have to feel bad about the gifts that God did not give me, if I’m fully maximizing the ones that He did.”   – Pastor Steven  

I mentioned in yesterday’s blog post that I struggle with chronic fatigue.    I am always tired and wiped out!    I don’t have the strength or energy to do what every other normal person can. 

My daughter gave me the silly little card you see in today’s background photo.    I have it sitting on my bathroom counter where I see it every morning as I get ready for the day.    I absolutely love it! 

This little card is such an encouragement to me each day,  because it reminds me that God made me exactly the way He wants me to be.    I don’t have to worry about all the things I can’t do.    I just need to focus on being exactly who He has made me to be …  and do what He has made me to do. 

The same thing is true for you too.    You don’t have to worry about all the things you aren’t.    Just focus on being who God has made you to be … and do what God has made you to do.