Be careful with your garbage

Be careful with your garbage

It is Monday morning … garbage day. 

Our next-door neighbors (to the right side) have not been careful about the items they have been placing in their garbage bin.  Lots of various takeout containers … covered in plenty of delicious leftover mess … placed in the garbage bin out at the road the night before.  Why, the bear just can’t resist such a treat! 

Several weeks ago, hubby and I noticed garbage from our neighbor’s garbage bin spread out all over the road … from where the bear had had a party during the night.  All the neighbors down the street, who were leaving for work, were having to drive through the garbage mess. 

I figured our next-door neighbors would be heading out to work also, and in a hurry … and they wouldn’t have opportunity or time to stop and clean up the mess.  So, I walked over and cleaned the mess up for them.

The next week … the bear got into their garbage again!  The bear was obviously learning that this was the place to be on Sunday nights for a fantastic meal! 

Last week the Monday-morning-garbage-disaster was of epic proportions!  Food containers and food scraps were not only spread all over the road, but all down the length of our neighbor’s long driveway.  Our neighbors were out there with shovels and brooms, cleaning up their driveway. 

At last! … I thought.  Surely they will be more careful about what they place in their garbage bin. 

But … as I was sitting here this morning calmly sipping my tea … I could hear my next-door neighbor screaming!  Literally … she was screaming so loudly I could hear her inside my house, with all the windows closed.  

Alas … some mishap must have occurred with the garbage once again.   My only guess is that some sort of clean-up is required … again. 

I have never been around someone who has so totally lost all self-control that they screamed at their spouse in absolute fury!  It is very disturbing!  I fear for their marriage. 

Last week’s blog posts dealt with misunderstandings, fights, and “messy” complications which inevitably arise in marriage. 

Yes, there will be “garbage” in marriage. 

But please, oh please be careful how you handle your garbage. 

If we are not careful with the “garbage” in our marriage … it will wind up being “pawed through” by our kids, our extended family members, our close friends, our social circle.  And the “garbage” from our marriage will wind up being strewn all over the “road” of life.  Everyone will have to drive through our mess of marital “garbage” as they come and go. 

Please, oh please be careful how you handle your marital “garbage.” 

This morning, for Monday morning garbage pick-up, our garbage was filled with lots of delicious food scraps.  We did not place this garbage in the bin out at the road the night before.  Instead, hubby placed this garbage in the bin this morning, as he was leaving for work. 

It is possible to dispose of garbage, containing lots of delicious food scraps, without the bear getting into it. 

So also, it is possible to dispose of marital “garbage” without everyone else knowing about it or being part of it. 

Please be careful how you handle your “garbage.”