Aurora Borealis wonder!

Aurora Borealis wonder!

I’ve had today’s blog post cued up for two weeks now. But with so much excitement going on, I never did get it posted to the blog yet. Today is the last day of May, so I wanted to be sure to squeeze it in before May was gone … since the amazing Aurora Borealis wonder occurred this month!

Today’s blog post is in honor of my son … as these are his thoughts which he shared with me, to share with the blog; as well as his photos of the Aurora Borealis from his house.

Thank you M for today’s blog post!

“The electromagnetic radiation and solar wind from the sun which causes auroras is deadly. Because of Earth’s magnetic field, the majority of this harmful radiation is blocked and ends up creating auroras around the poles. God has created an invisible blanket of protection around the Earth.

“Humanity spits in God’s face, calls evil good, redefines truth as they please. And yet, God is SO loving, SO caring, and SO protective that He continues to cover the Earth in a beautiful aurora blanket protecting us from what otherwise would likely be certain doom.”

Thank you God for your loving protection over us!