As the waters cover the sea

As the waters cover the sea

Our visit to the coast for Thanksgiving happened to coincide with a King Tide

According to the sign posted at the beach: “King Tide is a non-scientific term used to describe the highest of the high tides.  These higher-than-normal tides are regularly occurring and predictable.  They occur during a new or full moon when the moon, sun, and earth are all in alignment, creating the greatest gravitational pull on the tides.” 

In our background photo for today you can see an area of beach which is specifically designated for vehicle use.  A road leads down to this beach allowing vehicle access, and the big piling rising from out of the water is the sign indicating the area where vehicles are allowed to drive.  

As is clearly obvious … the vehicle beach is totally under water.  This, my friends, is the King Tide in action. 

As I watched the King Tide completely inundate the beach, the verse came to mind:  “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.”  – Habakkuk 2:14 

Just as the vehicle beach is completely inundated with water, so also all the earth will one day be covered in the same way with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD!   What a cool picture of this truth! 

We know when King Tides will occur … they are predictable … because they occur when the sun, moon, and earth are all in alignment. 

Perhaps you might be asking: “So … when will the earth be covered with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD??”

When every heart of every person on earth is in alignment with the one and only true King … King Jesus! 

Today is December 1st!  It’s the Christmas season … the season of Advent! 

This week our attention has been focused on the advent of snow!  We have been gathering information to help us know what to expect … and how to prepare.  We have been anxiously watching the weather outside.  And sure enough … the snow arrived … just as predicted. 

You might be wondering what the Christmas season of Advent is all about.   Perhaps you might be asking:  “The Advent/arrival of what?   What exactly are we anticipating the arrival of??” 

Similar to the advent of snow which we have been preparing for and anticipating this week, the Christmas season of Advent anticipates the arrival of Jesus! 

Isaiah 11:1-9 gives us detailed information to help us know what to expect: 
*  Jesus is coming! 
*  The Holy Spirit will rest on Him. 
*  The Holy Spirit will empower Jesus!
*  Jesus will judge in righteousness! 
*  Jesus will judge with absolute justice! 
*  Jesus will solve the issues of the poor and needy. 
*  Jesus will be absolute ruler and judge of the entire earth! 
*  Jesus will slay the wicked. 
*  Jesus will be absolutely righteous! 
*  Jesus will be totally and completely faithful! 
*  Jesus will bring peace to the entire earth! 
*  And the earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea. 

It’s the season of Advent/arrival … Jesus is coming!   So how do we prepare??  

“If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”  – Romans 10:9 

“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”  – Romans 10:13 

Just as King Tides arrive exactly as predicted to inundate all with water … so also King Jesus will arrive exactly as foretold … and the entire earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea!     Are you ready??