Another “I love you!” post-it note from God!

Another “I love you!” post-it note from God!

It was dusk  …  4:30pm.   In the drizzling rain and gathering darkness I was hurrying down my drive to go get the mail, when I suddenly noticed this heart-shaped rock in the middle of the driveway.  

“It’s another ‘I love you!’ post-it note from God!” was my immediate blink reaction!  

Yay me!    God gave me another “I love you!” post-it note!  

As you can see  …  God’s “heart” to me was a rock.    God was specifically telling me that He is my rock! 

Immediately this verse popped into my mind:  
“When I said, ‘My foot is slipping,’ Your love, O LORD, supported me.  When anxiety was great within me, Your consolation brought joy to my soul.”    – Psalm 94:18-19  

Also this verse:  
“From the ends of the earth I call to You, I call as my heart grows faint;  lead me to the rock that is higher than I.  For You have been my refuge.”   – Psalm 61:2-3  

No matter how much anxiety is swirling within me  …  God is my rock.    God is firm.    God is stable.    God will hold me firm and stable  …  no matter what!  

I have just found out that I must give a speech this coming weekend.    I do not speech-ize.  

There’s been some anxiety swirling around within me!  

The funny thing about our Forestry class, is that about halfway through the class hubby and I realized it was really just a gathering of 100% introverts!   

At our Forestry field-trip, nobody in our group wanted to be the first one to volunteer to do the task at any of the rotation stations.    We were all such introverts that the thought of being the one to step out in front of everybody else to demonstrate whatever the lesson was  …  it terrified every single one of us.    (and our small-group was only 9 people!)    Since somebody had to be the first to demonstrate the particular task, it wound up separating out from among us the more brave of us introverts vs the more desperately shy of us introverts.  

Likewise, at our Forestry class graduation ceremony, it was clearly obvious that all of us were introverts!    As each of our names were called to go forward to receive our graduation certificate, about 1/3 of our classmates looked as if they wanted the floor to open up and swallow them.   

When asked by our professor if they would like to say a few words, they promptly said “No” and quickly fled back to their seats.   When it was mine and hubby’s turn to go forward to receive our certificate, I was caught off guard by the sudden panic I felt when I stood up front with everyone’s eyes on me!    I, too, found myself wishing the floor would open and swallow me!    Hubby, much more brave than me, gave a few words of thanks. 

I was surprised by the intense, overwhelming feeling of panic!  

And so  …  once more I am going to be called to stand up in front of a large group of people (of whom I don’t know anyone).    And this time I have to stand up there all by myself,  and give a speech.    Just the thought of it makes me almost have a hard time breathing.  

The last time I tried to present (aka:  simply to read a poem which I had written for Mother’s Day, on a Zoom call,  with our mothers and sisters)  I wound shaking uncontrollably all over! 

God is my rock!    He sent me an “I love you!” post-it note to tell me so!  

God is firm.    God is stable.    God will hold me firm and stable  …  no matter what!  

He sent me an “I love you!” heart-shaped rock to tell me so!  

Thank you God!!   
I love you God!    I trust You  …  no matter what!

Cody Carnes – Firm Foundation (He Won’t) (Official Lyric Video) – YouTube