Annoyance … the doorway to a blessing.

Annoyance  …  the doorway to a blessing.

Hubby and I were sitting on the couch last night. Hubby had a lot of important work to do on the computer. But the internet was not working. Annoyance!

Hubby got up off the couch and went out on the front porch where our utility closet is, off to the side.

Hubby puttered around in the utility closet for a brief bit, turning off the router, then restarting it again. That did the trick! The internet was back online again.

As hubby turned around … there, swooping out of the dark sky came an owl!! Hubby said its wing-span was absolutely enormous!! With dramatic flair it landed (with great weight!) on our porch railing!

Whoa!!! That’s the coolest thing ever!!

I have never seen a real-live owl before!

The owl sat for a brief bit, posing as if in a “photo shoot”, so that hubby could get a couple of good shots.

Then off it flew!

Hubby and I have been hearing an owl, somewhere off in the forest, the past few nights. I thought that was pretty cool! But I never in a million years, dreamed it would land on our front porch railing … right at the moment when we could see it, and take a photo!

What a cool blessing!

But the thing is … the blessing came because of the annoyance. If the internet had not gone out, there would have been no reason for hubby to step out on the front porch. And we would have totally missed out on the blessing.

In your own life, when annoyances come … they just might be doorways to blessings which God has waiting for you.

Thank you God, for annoyances … which are doorways to really cool blessings!