An early morning stroll through the forest … 2.0

An early morning stroll through the forest  …  2.0

I had a container in the fridge with some yellowed, wilty lettuce. Rather than fill up my garbage can with it, I decided to toss it off the cliff, at the back edge of our backyard. So I headed outside.

But first, I made sure to grab a plastic disposable glove, in case I found any slugs along the way to the edge of the cliff.

Sure enough … the slugs were out in full force around my garden! That will not do! I began a meticulous search of the area all around the garden … picking up each slug (with gloved hand) and plopping it into the container of yellowed, wilty lettuce.

I wound up with quite the haul of slugs! Probably 30-40. I was quite pleased! It felt rather like a grown-up version of an “Easter-egg hunt.” (Ha!)

In the quiet of the early morning, I became aware of the munching and crunching of all the slugs in the lettuce container. I paused and studied closely the slugs in the container.

You could totally see the edge of the lettuce piece stuffed in the little slug’s mouth as it munched away. That is the coolest thing ever! I guess they must have teeth in there somewhere. And I’ve certainly never heard slugs crunching and munching before. Slugs are such gross, slimy, unnoticed little creatures. It would never occur that you could actually hear them eating! And see them munching!

I considered for a brief moment taking a photo to show you. But then, on second thought, a container with a pile of 30+ slugs is rather gross! So I decided to spare you the photo. (You’re welcome! Ha!)

I headed over to the back edge of the cliff and flung the yellowed, wilty lettuce, along with all the munching, crunching slugs off into the forested ravine! And of course I couldn’t help but give thanks for this wonderful blessing of having such an easy way to dispose of unwanted slugs without actually killing them.

Thank you God for early morning blessings!

Since I was way back at the edge of the cliff, might as well pop over into the woods in that far back corner to see how the watering hole was doing. I’ve not been back in that corner to check on the watering hole in almost a year.

As I headed into the forest, I suddenly noticed that the forest floor was covered everywhere with little bunches of leaf-clusters, each with a small delicate star-shaped flower.

Whoa! That’s really cool! That looks like a new species I’ve never seen before! Right away I pulled out my Seek Nature App … and discovered that this is indeed a new species! This is Western Starflower, also known as Pacific Starflower. Whoa! That’s so cool!

Thank you God for such a wonderful surprise blessing!

I headed on over to the watering hole. And sure enough, there it was … in all its stagnant, murky-green beauty. We’ve recently had two atmospheric rivers come through this week, dumping tons of rain! So the watering hole is nice and full of water.

Thank you God for the blessing of a watering hole to provide drinks for all the forest creatures and wildlife!

I turned to head back up towards the house, and on my way, I came across these beautiful salmonberries!

Usually I don’t see very many salmonberries, because the wildlife gobble them up so fast!

Although salmonberries are totally edible for humans, I have never tried them. I figure I have plenty of good food to eat, so I might as well save the salmonberries for the wildlife, since these are clearly a favorite food of lots of forest creatures!

Thank you God for the blessing of beautiful bright red berries for the deer, the birds, and other forest creatures!

The flax is blooming! Thank you God for such a bright cheerful blessing this morning!

The bumblebees were hard at work! What a cool-looking wildflower! Check out those little bulbous blooms! Thank you God for the amazing creatures and plants You have made!

I’ve posted photos of this type of mushroom in the past, but every year it is such a surprise joy to discover these emerging when (and where) you least expect it! This mushroom starts out with a normal bell-shaped mushroom cap, then as the mushroom ages, the cap flattens out until it splits into a star-shape. Then it dissolves away to nothing.

Thank you God for mushroom blessings!

And last but not least … the Foxgloves are starting to bloom!

Thank you God for all the many blessings You give to us each and every day!

We love you God! God you are amazing!