An early morning stroll through the forest

An early morning stroll through the forest

Join me for an early morning stroll through the forest …

Early morning sunshine highlighting the apple blossoms.

Feeling small underneath the enormous over-arching branches of the Big-Leaf Maple.

A patch of Pacific bleeding heart, highlighted by the morning sun!

A surprise discovery down in the blackberry leaves.

Peace in the forest. Birdsong filling the forest.

God’s presence in the forest.

The three ladies were browsing through the forest having their breakfast.

All throughout the forest the ferns are unfurling their new fronds. I absolutely love the beauty of the new fronds as they unfurl.

Thank you God for this new day to serve You!
May all we do, in this beautiful new day that You have given us, bring glory and praise to You!

“Praise the LORD, O my soul; let all that is within me praise His holy name.” – Psalm 103:1