An early morning commute into downtown

An early morning commute into downtown

Yesterday’s blog post was “An early morning stroll through the forest.” Shortly after I posted it to the blog, I could hear the Holy Spirit speaking deep down to my soul that the readers of the blog don’t live in the forest. Yes, it’s wonderful that peace can be found in the forest. And yes, it’s wonderful that God’s presence can be felt in the forest. But the readers of the blog need to know that God’s peace and God’s presence is right there with them in their early morning commute, in the nasty bumper-to-bumper rush-hour traffic … and in their workplace.

So today, join me for an early morning commute into downtown …

God’s glory on display in a brilliant sunrise! I couldn’t help wishing I was at home so I could take a “proper” photo … but even though I was on the move (stopped at a traffic light), God’s presence was real! Right there in that moment! Right there with me!

Majesty of the mountains … right there in the middle of the madness. Thank you God, for your beautiful creation!

Fog lying low over Lake Washington, with Mt. Rainier just visible. Thank you God! God’s peace … there! Right there in that moment.

Heading into downtown, the sun blazed through in brilliance, reflecting off the glass of the skyrises in a dazzling display! God’s presence was right there! Right there in the middle of the bumper-to-bumper rushing! Right there in the middle of the chaos!

Perhaps more so than in the quiet solitude of the forest. Because God loves people! God loves all people! Jesus left heaven and came to earth to rescue & save people. And this is where the people are. God’s presence is here!

And God’s presence is very much in that office where you work, where you are the only Christian … surrounded by all your coworkers who have a completely opposite philosophy of life than you, a completely opposite work ethic than you, completely opposite beliefs about God than you, completely opposite beliefs about morality, right vs. wrong, etc.

God is there! God’s presence is right there with you!

God’s peace is there! Right there where you feel the loneliest … God is there! God is covering you with His presence! God is protecting you with His peace!

Thank you God that you are with us! Not only in the peaceful solitude of nature … but especially in the chaos of real life! Thank you God, that you go before us! Thank you God that you come behind us! Thank you God that you surround us!

Thank you God for your presence! Thank you God for your peace!