An anchor for the soul

An anchor for the soul

Hubby and I planted our garden this past Saturday.   It was a bright sunny morning as hubby tilled up the ground, and as together, we laid down the black weed-block fabric.  Hubby cut small holes for each one of our seeds, and I came along behind him and placed one seed just underneath the dirt in each hole. 

We were very pleased with our garden-planting efforts.  And filled with hope and anticipation of a bountiful crop this coming summer.  

Later that afternoon I was napping on the front porch, while hubby sat next to me working on the computer.   Without any warning, a sudden windstorm came up!   The wind began to fiercely whip the trees in great gusts!    Debris was flying from the trees everywhere!   The deer burst out of the woods in startled fright  …  then bounded away toward the front paddock area.  

The sun was gone.  Swift dark clouds had moved in!   The wind continued to whip and gust!  

Awakened by the intensity of the wind, my first thought was of our newly-planted garden.   The fierceness of the wind could whip the weed-block fabric up and blow it all over the garden!   If the weed-block fabric was ripped up and blown all over the garden, it would almost be impossible to lay it back down again in the same place, with the small holes directly over where we had planted each of our tiny seeds.  We would have to replant all over again.  

But I wasn’t worried.   When hubby and I had laid down the weed-block fabric, we had anchored it securely with rocks.  (We have lots and lots of rocks lying around everywhere!  Might as well put them to good use!)  

As the wind gusted and whipped through the trees … blowing debris everywhere! …  and bringing small branches down, I didn’t even bother to go check on the garden.   The weed-block fabric was securely anchored.   My confidence was steadfast.   I had nothing to worry about.  

Isn’t this what life itself is like!? 

We’re going about our normal everyday business, living our normal everyday life.    Then suddenly, without warning, a “storm” comes up!    (you can fill in the blank whatever that “storm” looks like in your own life)    We weren’t expecting it.    But suddenly the wind is whipping through our life! … blowing debris all over the place!  

If we love and follow Jesus Christ, then the Holy Spirit has been at work in our life “planting seeds of righteousness.” 

–  seeds of kindness  
–  seeds of patience   
–  seeds of forgiveness & grace  
–  seeds of compassion  
–  seeds of mercy  
–  seeds of love  
–  seeds of peace   
–  etc.  …  

And at the same time, the Holy Spirit has been laying down “weed-block fabric” in our life.   Without the “weed-block fabric” the seeds will be choked out by weeds.  

–  weeds of fear
–  weeds of worry!  
–  weeds of discouragement!  
–  weeds of anxiety!  
–  weeds of resentment  
–  weeds of bitterness  
–  weeds of depression 
–  etc. …  

And Jesus Christ himself is our Rock, anchoring down our life.  

Here you can see the rocks in our garden, anchoring the weed-block fabric.  

*  Think of one of these rocks as being – Jesus, my Protector!   I don’t need to fear, because Jesus is anchoring my soul.   Jesus will protect me.  

*  One of these rocks you could think of as being – Jesus, my Peace!   I don’t need to worry, because Jesus is anchoring my soul.   Jesus will give me peace in the middle of this storm.  

*  Another one of these rocks could be – Jesus, my Comforter!   I don’t need to be overwhelmed by discouragement, because Jesus is anchoring my soul.  

*  Another one of these rocks could be – Jesus, my Refuge & Strength!   I don’t need to be overwhelmed with anxiety, because Jesus is anchoring my soul.  

*  Another one of these rocks could be – Jesus, my Healer!   I don’t need to be poisoned by resentment or bitterness, because Jesus is anchoring my soul.   Jesus is healing the hurt in my heart.  

*  Another one of these rocks could be – Jesus, my Light!   I don’t need to sink beneath the darkness of depression, because Jesus is anchoring my soul.   Jesus will bring His light to remove the darkness of depression from my soul.  

If you love and follow Jesus, then you have an anchor for your soul too!    The Holy Spirit is planting “seeds of righteousness” in your life too!    The Holy Spirit has laid down “weed-block fabric” in your life too!  

And Jesus is your anchor!  

When the “storms” of life whip and blow through your life with fierceness and fury, Jesus has got you!   Jesus is your anchor!   

“The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;  my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge.”  – Psalm 18:2