Almost … but not quite real

Almost  …  but not quite real

I shared a few blog posts ago how I have never much cared for peas.    However, I did discover recently that snow peas aren’t that bad.    In fact, they don’t taste like regular peas at all  …  because they are mostly pod rather than pea.  

In light of this discovery, I decided to try our hand at growing snow peas in the garden this year.    Much to my delight, the snow peas have grown beautifully and are producing abundantly.   

Here you can see a photo of snow peas which I just recently gathered.   

Can you tell that something is not quite right?    One of these piles is snow peas  …  and one of these piles is regular peas.    Can you tell which is which?  

The snow peas are larger, flat, and mostly pod;   whereas the regular peas are smaller, they have a tough hard pod, and they bulge with regular peas in the middle.  

It seems that in amongst the snow pea seeds there was hiding a regular pea seed.    It looked like a snow pea seed.    It was included in the snow pea seed packet.   

It was planted along with the snow peas.  

It sprouted and grew up along with the snow peas.   

It has foliage just like snow peas.    It blooms just like snow peas.  

But  …  “By their fruit you will recognize them.”  – Matthew 7:16  

And  …  as Matthew 7:19-20 further continues  –  “Every tree [pea plant] that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.  Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.”   

I’m not going to burn the regular peas just because I don’t particularly care for them.   

But the presence of regular peas growing in amongst the snow peas made me think how there are probably a lot of people just like this when it comes to living the Christian life.

These “regular peas” claim to love and follow Jesus Christ.  

They say all the right things, so that by all outward appearances of being a “pea seed,” they look like they are a follower of Jesus Christ.  

They are included in the “snow pea seed packet”  …  or in other words, they are included in Christian churches and Christian social circles.  

They are planted right alongside the “snow peas”  …  or in other words, they attend church every week  …  they sit in the service right alongside everyone else who loves and follows Jesus.  

They have “foliage” just like those who love and follow Jesus.    They have “blooms” just like those who love and follow Jesus.   

But deep down, in their very inmost heart and soul  …  they do not have a close, personal, loving relationship with Jesus Christ.

They are almost  …  but not quite real.

When it comes down to it … there is no joy in their life. There is no peace in their life. Their life is not characterized by a radical sacrificial love for others.

Their life is not characterized by radical supernatural kindness. … or goodness.

Their life is not one of gentleness.

They have very little patience. They are not faithful. They lack self-control.

But rather … their life is characterized by gossip, griping, comlaining, discontent, jealously, slander, bitterness, unforgiveness, manipulation, etc..

By their fruit you will know them.

What about you?   

What fruit is hanging heavy from the branches of your life??