Advent lessons … Prepared! (Mary)

Advent lessons … Prepared!  (Mary)

Today’s background photo shows an icy boardwalk through a snowy frozen wood.  A storm is coming.  This photo was taken a few days before Christmas … on a cold, 28-degree afternoon, before a big, heavy snowstorm arrived later that evening. 

As you look at the photo, it is clear that in order to walk this icy boardwalk through these frozen woods, in 28 degree-weather … preparation is needed.  Good warm boots are needed for the feet … boots with traction for the slick, slippery conditions.  Warm clothing, and a warm coat is needed to protect the heart and vital organs. 

When it comes to Mary, the mother of the Messiah … imagine, metaphorically, that it is she who is walking down this icy boardwalk through a snowy frozen wood.  An angel had appeared to Mary and informed her that she would have a child … the long-awaited Messiah! 

It would be an icy, slick, slippery path to walk … being a young teenage Jewish girl, pregnant before marriage. 

Not only that … a storm is coming!!   All the powers of darkness and forces of evil would be unleashed! … against the Messiah (in an effort to stop God’s plan of salvation) … and by default, against the young vulnerable teenage mother of the Messiah. 

A storm is coming!  When the storm comes, the path through the frozen woods will be lost in the whirling wild winds of flying snow! … the way through the forest will be buried beneath deep drifts.  How will the young vulnerable teenage mother of the Messiah make it through the storm?? 

The path across the icy boardwalk is treacherous as it is right now … how will Mary ever survive the coming storm?? 

As you look at the photo of the icy boardwalk through the frozen woods, it is clear that good boots are needed.  It is also clear that warm clothing, and a warm coat is needed to protect the heart and vital organs.   So also, in the same way, as Mary faced the coming storm of all the powers of evil unleashed against her child (and by default, herself) … what she needed was protection and preparation! 

Ephesians 6:10-18 gives a detailed description of the preparation which is needed for facing the powers of evil!  

*  Boot for your feet!  Boots with good traction, to help you keep you footing!  Boots so that you can make forward progress, and keep advancing down the path!  (“… your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.”  – Ephesians 6:14)  

*  Protection for your heart and vital organs!   (“… breastplate of righteousness … shield of faith”  – Ephesians 6:14,16)  

For facing the “storm” … Mary already had good protection for her heart:  righteousness and faith!  (Luke 1:30) 

The “boots of preparation” which Mary needed was instruction and training in the Scriptures.  How would Mary get instruction and training in the Scriptures??  Young Jewish girls were not taught in synagogue.  If Mary was to parent and raise the Messiah, she needed instruction and training regarding the Messianic prophecies. 

The angel’s announcement to Mary was two-fold: 
*  You will bear a son – the Messiah 
*  You need to go to Elizabeth (your relative).  She will help you. 

We discussed yesterday how Elizabeth and Zechariah were well-prepared by God to parent and raise the forerunner of the Messiah.  They had devoted their entire lives to studying and teaching the Scriptures.  They knew the prophecies!  

God sent Mary specifically to Elizabeth … in order to be prepared. 

Elizabeth chose to remain in seclusion for the first 5 months of her pregnancy (Luke 1:24),  probably to devote herself to studying the Messianic prophecies.   After five months of intensive study of the Messianic prophecies … Mary arrived. 

Elizabeth was prepared  … to prepare Mary. 

Zechariah, the priest, who usually did the teaching of the Scriptures, was unable to speak or hear.  Therefore, it was most likely Elizabeth who instructed and prepared the young vulnerable teenage mother of Messiah … in all the many Messianic prophecies! 

*  The Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. – Micah 5:2 
Mary was most likely well aware that she would have the baby in Bethlehem. 

*  The Messiah would bring Peace.  – Isaiah 9:6-7 
*  The Messiah would bring comfort to the Jewish people.  – Isaiah 40:1-5 
*  The Messiah would “shepherd” the people and be their peace.  – Micah 5:4 
*  The Messiah would be a righteous and gentle king, riding on a donkey … bringing salvation!  –  Zechariah 9:9 
*  The Messiah would be beaten, pierced, crushed for our sin.  – Isaiah 53:1-5;  Isaiah 50:6 
*  The Messiah would be pierced.  – Zechariah 12:10;  Psalm 22:16 
*  The Messiah would be forsaken, mocked, despised, insulted.  – Psalm 22:1;  Psalm 22:7-8;  Psalm 22:17-18 
*  The Messiah would die for sin.  – Isaiah 53:6-10 
*  The Messiah would come back to life again.  – Isaiah 53:11 
*  The Messiah would overcome the grave.  – Psalm 16:10;  Psalm 49:15 
*  The Messiah would conquer sin and death.  – Isaiah 53:11-12 

A storm is coming!! 

The path forward through the storm is fuzzy and uncertain.  Mary probably wondered what many these prophecies meant?? 

Mary was prepared.  Her heart was protected with righteousness and faith.  And she was prepared with the “boots” of the Gospel.  Mary was well-instructed in the Messianic prophecies … and well-prepared for the icy path God called her to walk. 

Even into the storm.