Advent lessons … Prepare a way!

Advent lessons … Prepare a way!

This year, the month of December was ushered in with the advent of snow!  A lot of snow! 

The week leading up to Christmas saw a second advent of snow!  Accompanied by bitterly cold temperatures and freezing ice on all the roadways!    Three days before Christmas we woke up to 14 degrees.  The hummingbird feeder was frozen solid! 

I brought the hummingbird feeder inside to thaw … and started up the fire in our fireplace heater. 

Hubby and I were prepared for the below-freezing temperatures with a well-stocked woodshed full of firewood. 

All of nature was likewise prepared.  Below is an excerpt from:  “Inspired Evidence”  by Julie Von Vett & Bruce Malone. 

“In the winter, trees close down.  At the point where each leaf stem is attached to a twig, special layers of cells grow – making a wall.  This blocks the water flow to the leaf.  This wall also seals the gaping hole in the twig when the dead leaf falls off.  Because the leaves have stopped needing water, the roots stop pulling water from the soil.  By the time winter arrives, the tree’s water transfer ‘pipes’ have been drained, preventing internal damage to the tree from water expansion during freezing.” 

God, in His lovingkindness, has prepared nature for the advent of snow … and below-freezing temperatures. 

Because the leaves have fallen from the trees, the branches are able to bear up under the heavy burden of snow and freezing ice. 

Our holly tree is loaded with bright red berries.  God, in His lovingkindness, has prepared a food source for the birds during snow and below-freezing temperatures. 

All of nature is prepared … for the advent of snow. 

Just as God, in His lovingkindness, prepared all of nature for the advent of snow … so also, God, in His lovingkindness, prepared all of humanity for the advent of His Son – Jesus. 

Our advent of snow was preceded with weather notifications and alerts … on both mine and hubby’s different weather apps.  So also, the advent of Jesus to the earth was preceded with numerous notifications and prophecies!  Jesus is coming!  Here is what to expect. 

And just as the snow arrived … so also Jesus Christ arrived! 

Among the prophecies of the coming of Jesus, was the notice that a prophet would come who would prepare the way.  John … born to Zechariah and Elizabeth.  John was sent by God to prepare the way for Jesus Christ.  

“The word of God came to John son of Zechariah in the desert.  He went into all the country around the Jordan, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.  As it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet:  ‘A voice of one calling in the desert, “Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for Him.”’” – Luke 3:2-4 

In today’s background photo you can see a way has been prepared for hubby and me to get firewood up to our house, so we can heat our home.  The firewood will produce heat … and life for us.  So also, in the same way, this is what John was doing.  John was telling people:  Jesus is here!  Jesus will give you life!  Jesus will light a “fire” in the “firebox” of your soul … to bring life to your soul … and to bring the warmth of God to your heart! 

Everyone … Prepare a way!  Clear a path!  Jesus has “firewood” to warm your heart and give you life. 

Jesus is here!  Jesus has come to drive away the below-freezing temperatures of your soul and bring the warmth and life of God! 

“I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full.”  – John 10:10 

Prepare a way!