A Work of Beauty

A Work of Beauty

I was young, those many years ago;
young, but full of dreams;
with the longing that God would use me
to do amazing things.

A pile of parts He gave me. 
It was a jumbled mess. 
I was to make something beautiful. 
It was daunting – I must confess!

He put me in a place
where He knew I could work well,
with challenges that would cause me
to grow strong, or either fail.

I looked at the many pieces. 
Some I’d seen before. 
But others were brand new. 
I wondered what those could be for?

I set about my task
What beautiful thing could I make
with these parts in front of me?!

I’d been given some random talents;
some friendships that were strong. 
And among the things God gave me –
a little boy & girl had come along.

Oh what fun I had
making beauty from the pile! 
Creating with what God had given,
a work to make Him smile.

But then one day God stopped me
in the middle of my song. 
He said, “This phase is over
and it’s time to move along.”

He took all of my pieces.
He took me from my place. 
He put me in a brand-new spot
with new parts for me to face.

Another jumbled heap –
but a few parts were the same. 
And I noticed with surprise
that some confidence I’d gained.

I still had random talents;
but I’d lost most of my friends. 
And the place where I now worked
was grey and full of winds.

I wasn’t sure at all
how to build in such a wind. 
Every time that I would start
I’d be knocked back down again.

I wanted to go back
to where I’d been placed before. 
But God said, “No – right here’s the place
I want you to build once more.”

I fumbled with the pieces. 
I struggled in the wind. 
And I realized the parts I’d been given
didn’t sway or bend.

It was possible for me to make
something beautiful after all. 
I had to build a strong foundation,
so it would stand firm and tall.

I grew accustomed to the wind
whipping through my hair
as I built my work of beauty
reaching high into the air.

So many different pieces! 
To build was such a joy! 
Especially when it came
to my little girl & boy.

But then one day God stopped me
in the middle of my song. 
He said, “This phase is over
and it’s time to move along.”

He took all of my pieces. 
He took me from my place. 
He put me in a brand-new spot,
with new parts for me to face.

Another jumbled heap –
this I’d come to know. 
But now some of my favorite pieces
I had to start letting go.

How could I make a work
of beauty here and now?  …
without my favorite pieces?? 
I simply didn’t know how.

I’d only ever built
works of beauty in one way. 
“It’s time to redesign,”
is what I seemed to hear God say.

I fumbled with the pieces. 
I searched for a different form. 
But how could one make beauty
with a heart so very torn?

The place where I now worked
wasn’t safe for me to build. 
Every time I stepped out of my walls
I was in a ‘land-mine field.’

I learned to be tenacious. 
I learned to persevere. 
I built a work of beauty
in the face of all my fears.

I was so very relieved
to be stopped this time around. 
Now, once again a jumbled heap
in front of me is found.

So here I am – surveying
the scattered pieces all galore. 
I even have the foundation
that I’d already built before.

Yep … there’s the random talents. 
Oh, and here’s friendships anew! 
I think a fresh design this time
won’t be so hard to do.

When it comes to my boy & girl
I’m learning to let go,
and to use God’s other pieces
to make my work of beauty grow.

I really don’t have a clue
how this latest work will turn out. 
But it will be full of beauty! 
Of that I have no doubt. 

By: Amy Hayes