A tiny taste of what Heaven will be like!

A tiny taste of what Heaven will be like!

One of the very best parts of Summer is going raspberry picking!  

Raspberries are my above all favorite fruit!   

But they are always so expensive in the store that hubby and I never buy them.    If for some reason we buy them for a special occasion, we are very careful how we eat them  …  only a few at a time  …  we eat them very slowly and we savor them  …  because they are SO expensive!  

But in July, when the raspberries ripen and the U-Pick fields open  …  that’s one of the very best parts of Summer!  

Hubby and I went raspberry picking this morning!    It was great fun!  

There is nothing quite like driving back home with that big box of fresh raspberries sitting on your lap  …  and eating fresh raspberries all the way home!!    As many as you want!!    It’s amazing!!  

As I was feasting on fresh raspberries on the drive back home, I told hubby  this  is what Heaven is going to be like!    The most fabulous things we love about life  …  we can have as much as we want!!  

All the wonderful things God created for us to enjoy  …  nothing is off limits  …  nothing is too expensive  …  we can have as much as we want!!  

When it comes to good things we make  …  such as chocolate cake or donuts or ice cream … if we eat too much we will inevitably feel ill and unwell.    (speaking from experience here  …  haha!)   

But the good things God has made for us to enjoy  …  like fresh ripe raspberries  …  we can eat as much as we want  …  and never feel ill or unwell.    We can chow down to our heart’s content  …  and when we’ve had enough, our bodies tell us we’ve had enough.    And we stop.  

We can have as much as we want  …  and we are left feeling blissfully satisfied, and delightfully happy!  

I’m sure this is what Heaven will be like!  

All of God’s goodness and blessings  …  free for us to have as much as we want!!    And when we’ve feasted to our heart’s content, we are left feeling blissfully satisfied and delightfully happy!  

And we don’t have to pay for any of it!    Jesus has already paid for everything!    And He gives it all to us  …  to enjoy  …  as much as we want  …  forever!  

Thank you Jesus for all Your goodness and blessings You have prepared especially for us, waiting for us in Heaven!   

Thank you Jesus for paying the price so that we can come to Heaven and enjoy all these wonderful blessings …  forever!  …  with You!  

We love you Jesus!!    We can’t wait to see You!!