A Home Depot Christmas!

A Home Depot Christmas!

The happy couple from this past weekend’s wedding has been head-over-heels in a major renovation project this entire past year!  

The day of the wedding rehearsal, a delivery truck showed up at the house with the bathroom vanity (which they had been waiting on for weeks!)  …  resulting in the groom needing to drop everything and hurry over to the house to meet the delivery guys. 

The morning of the wedding dawned bright and sunny  …  absolute perfect lighting for the wedding photos being taken at the house (which had only 1 working toilet).  

The photographer and his assistant carefully helped the bride into the gutted empty upstairs, where drywall dust covered every square inch of space, for epic photos amid their home renovation project! 

In my wedding speech to the happy couple at the reception, the humor in my speech revolved around their many trips to Home Depot.  

Therefore, if I had to pick a top Christmas song for the newlywed couple it would be:  All I want for Christmas!    

“All I want for Christmas is   
…  a bathroom vanity 
…  a roof that doesn’t leak 
…  a nice new kitchen sink! 
Oh, if I could only have a light so I can see! 
Then wouldn’t we have a Merry Christmas!”  


Theirs, I do believe, is a Home Depot Christmas this year.   

And in the spirit of a Home Depot Christmas, I thought you might enjoy these delightful Home Depot Christmas Village pieces.   My favorite is Santa on the roof of Home Depot!   

(In all the busy-ness of my December, I did not have a chance to make it to Home Depot in time to pick up this year’s 2023 Christmas Village piece.   By the time I finally made it to the store, they were all sold out. Sadness. These must be a much more highly sought-after item than I realized!)