Blooming today!

Blooming today!

My daughter surprised me by swinging by the house and dropping off this pretty little plant during her lunch break.   What a wonderful surprise!   I was absolutely delighted!  

This little flower has brought me so much joy the past week and a half!   It is a bright splash of happiness sitting on my kitchen counter!  

As I glance over at the happy little flower, while I’m working in the kitchen, it’s cheerful blooms remind me of “today.”   These pretty blooms are blooming right now – today.   “This is the day the LORD has made;  let us rejoice and be glad in it.”  – Psalm 118:24     

If you look deep down in the middle of the happy little flower, there are all kinds of blooms in the process of developing.   These represent “tomorrow”  …  for these are tomorrow’s blooms.   

While we are “blooming” with joy right here, right now, in today –  which God has given us –  our “tomorrow” is in the process of being developed.  

But also, at the same time, the little flower has spent blooms from yesterday.   This spent bloom in the photo represents our “yesterday.”   God gave us yesterday to bloom and bring joy to this world  …  did we use our day yesterday wisely??    Did we give it all we had and bloom for all we were worth??   Or did we waste our “yesterday”??    

Once our yesterday is over, it’s gone.   This spent bloom has used up its opportunity to bloom.   Yesterday is past  …  and so is the opportunity to bring beauty and joy to this world.  

So also in life, once our yesterday is gone, so also is the opportunity God gave us yesterday to “bloom” for Him and to bring joy to this world.   There are no re-do’s.   Once it’s gone, it’s gone.  

It would be such a pity to waste our day, after day, after day opportunities God gives us to be a “beautiful blooming flower” in this world  …  especially when God is at work developing so many potential blooms down in there!  

Don’t waste today.   Don’t waste today fretting and worrying.   That will shrivel your beautiful bloom.  

Don’t waste today being mad and angry about things which you have no control over.   That will shrivel your beautiful bloom.  

Don’t waste today.   You only get today to bloom today’s blooms.   Once today is over, the opportunity is gone.    Your chance to bloom those blooms will forever be lost.  

Bloom for all you’re worth!   Bloom joy and beauty and happiness  …  today!  

“Encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.”  – Hebrews 3:13