I am not much of a coffee drinker, but I do really enjoy a nice cup of tea each morning. All teas are not equal though. I’ve had my fair share of tea experiences which, upon taking the first sip, it’s given me shutters/shivers all over it’s been so terrible!
Have you ever taken a drink of something so terrible it’s instinctively given you shutters/shivers all over?
The hot water brings out the true flavor of what is in the tea leaves. And sometimes … it’s not very pleasant.
On the other hand, here you can see my favorite teas at the moment.
Hubby gave me the two on the right for Christmas … and I’ve been enjoying them so much I wound up giving myself a caffeine headache earlier this week by drinking way too many cups of my delicious tea!
Once again, the hot water brings out the true flavor of what is in the tea leaves. And these teas have a wonderful flavor! The hot water winds up bringing about something wonderful as a result!
This exact same thing happens in life.
“Hot water” situations in life happen to all of us. And the “hot water” brings out what is already in us.
It could be illness which takes us suddenly by surprise … robbing us of our health and the life we once knew.
It could be a layoff and job loss.
It could be profound heartache in our personal life.
It could be unexpected tragedy … gut-wrenching disappointment … bitter betrayal … etc. etc. etc. …
The “hot water” situation brings out what is already in us.
For some people, the result is like the tea which, upon taking a sip, gave me shutters/shivers all over because it was so terrible! For some people, they have so much bitterness inside them that the “hot water” situation of life brings out and intensifies the bitterness!
The result is that anyone interacting with these people, metaphorically speaking “get the shutters/shivers” because it’s so terrible having to interact with them!
Some people are consumed with anxiety and fear … whereupon the “hot water” situation of life brings out and intensifies the anxiety and the fear! Having to interact with these people gives one the “shutters/shivers” because it’s so terrible! They are utterly impossible to interact with!
What are you filling your mind with??
There is a lot of information out there more than happy to fill our mind with bitterness! Anger! Hatred! Disgust! Contempt!
There is a lot of information out there more than happy to fill our mind with everything in the world which is broken! Every scandal, every crime, every tragedy! Every injustice!
There is a lot of information out there letting us know all the many different ways everything might go wrong and could go wrong!
What you allow in your mind – is what you will become.
And this is what the “hot water” situations of life will bring out!
What are you allowing your mind to dwell on in the day-by-day moments of life? When you mind aimlessly wanders … what does it wander toward?
Does your mind tend to fixate on “that particular person” whom you absolutely despise!
Does your mind tend to fixate on that particular wrong which was done to you?
Does your mind tend to fixate on that life situation you want out of!
Does your mind tend to fixate on that disappointment?
Does your mind tend to fixate on all the negative things which might happen?
Is your mind taken captive by worry?
“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” – Proverbs 4:23
“Take every thought captive.” – 2 Corinthians 10:5
The “hot water” situations of life will bring out what is already in us!
* The beauty of a sunset!
* The wonder of a rainbow!
* The joy of sunbeams piercing through fog!
* The delight of tulip bulbs emerging!
Whatever is lovely … think about these things!
* Gratitude … for a roof over our head!
* Gratitude … for a car that runs!
* Gratitude … for food on our table!
* Gratitude … for the gift of life!
Whatever is true … think about these things!
* Kindness shown. There really truly is kindness in this world!
* Generosity given. There really truly are generous people in this world!
* Bravery displayed. There really truly are brave heroic people in this world!
* Courage in little unseen things … like those who courageously battle cancer. Courage in hard overwhelming things … like single parents courageously raising their kids! There really truly are brave courageous people in this world!
If anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about these things!