I was in awe of the beautiful ferns growing out of the moss all along the trunks of the trees in the ravine behind our house. So pretty! The ravine is so lush and well-watered.

It brings to mind Psalm 1: “Blessed is the person who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.
“But rather, this person delights in the law of the LORD, and on God’s law they meditate/ponder day and night.
“They will be like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields fruit in every season and whose leaf does not wither.” – Psalm 1:1-3

Every branch throughout the ravine is covered thickly with green moss! When the sunlight catches the moss, it is striking!

As far as you can see down into the ravine the branches everywhere are thickly covered with moss! It is stunning to see. A photo just doesn’t capture it. In the rainy mists, the green moss draped everywhere makes the ravine an intense deep-green!

As we enter a new day … and a new year … we look forward in hopeful expectancy that our lives this next year can be vibrant and green, just like the ravine!
How can we have lives that are vibrant and lush and green, just like the ravine??
The ravine is well-watered. Mists and fog waft up from the valley, continually bringing moisture droplets suspended in the air. Moisture droplets which then cling to every branch of every tree! The abundant rain which falls continually waters the ravine … and a stream sings down in the bottom.
If we would like our life this next year to be vibrant and lush and green … our life needs to be well-watered with the Word of God. We need our soul, just like the ravine, to have continual mists (with water droplets suspended in air) wafting over and through our life with the truths of God’s Word.

Looking far down into the ravine, there is greenery and lush growth everywhere! The sunlight is glinting off the green moss! There is life and flourishing in the ravine! There is the song of the stream down in the ravine! This right here is what we would like our life to be like!

The way to achieve a lush, green, flourishing life is by continually saturating our heart and our mind with God’s Word. This is the key to a blessed life.