Pondering the weight of water …

Pondering the weight of water …

Hubby is outside at the moment taking apart the downspout in order to fix the gutter which has been pouring a waterfall over the edge!   It has rained and rained and rained this past week!  

As hubby and I were sitting at the table having lunch this afternoon, hubby brought up the fact that a lot of water is pouring over the edge of our gutters!   And … water is heavy!    

I’ve carried buckets of water.   Water is really heavy!   Water weighs a lot

Hubby and I sat there at lunch considering this thought:  that a lot of weight is coming down out of the sky.   And yet  …  there is no damage whatsoever by that much weight falling!   Hubby and I found this thought to be mind-blowing!  

I read somewhere that a typical-size cloud weighs about 10 million pounds!    

How can that much weight of that much water hang suspended in mid-air??    This is mind-blowing to ponder!  

I know someone scientific could pontificate at length about the principles of physics which make this possible.   But I would like to just sit and pause in the wonder of this fact!   There is certainly no way I could get 10 million pounds of heavy water to hang suspended in mid-air.   And I doubt anyone else could either.   Only God could do that!  

Yes, the principles of physics make it possible.   But God made the principles of physics.   Therefore God is the only one who can easily suspend 10 million pounds of water in mid-air, at will.   God is amazing! 

This devotional came to mind, as hubby and I were pondering these things:  

“Raindrops are limited in their size.  They have a tendency to disintegrate when they exceed about ¼ inch in size.  The raindrop’s surface tension prevents the drop from growing too large as they fall to the Earth.  

“Imagine if raindrops could grow larger and larger!   Imagine the damage which would take place if the ground and plants and people were pummeled with giant bowling-ball-sized rain drops!    

“On the other hand, what if the raindrops were too small, like fog droplets – in this case, rain would not reach the ground but remain suspended in air currents.  Raindrops too large or too small would not be good for the Earth.”  

(Excerpted from:  Inspired Evidence  
By:  Julie Von Vett & Bruce Malone)  

For today’s blog post I would just like to sit and pause in wonder at how amazing God is!    The fact that large quantities of heavy water hang suspended in mid-air over our head all the time – and yet we are not harmed in the least by this much weight falling down onto us  …  this is mind-blowing!    Only God can do that!   God is amazing! 

“He [God] wraps up the waters in his clouds, yet the clouds do not burst under their weight.” – Job 26:8

“He [God] draws up the drops of water, which distill as rain to the streams;  the clouds pour down their moisture and abundant showers fall on mankind.  Who can understand how he spreads out the clouds.”  – Job 36:27-29  

“The LORD does whatever pleases him, in the heavens and on the earth. He makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth.” – Psalm 135:6-7

“You, God, care for the land and water it;  you enrich it abundantly.  …  You drench it’s furrows;  you soften it with showers.”  – Psalm 65:9-10