Covered … in the “in-between”

Covered  …  in the “in-between”

It’s downpouring today!  

Last night, as I crawled into bed, it was downpouring!  

All I could say as I fell asleep was:  “God I trust you!   God, please take care of my roof & my home!   God, please don’t let water get down into my walls!”   

Thus far only the front half of my home has been finished with metal roofing panels.   I had no idea metal roofing panels were so tedious and time-consuming to install!    The remaining back and side portions of my home have  “Protecto Wrap” covering the plywood boards and the now-vulnerable skylights.   

It is unsettling for it to be downpouring rain when we are in this “in-between” phase.  

In life, we sometimes find ourselves in “in-between” places.  

A dear, precious friend of mine recently lost someone very special.   She is now in an “in-between” place.   Things are nothing like they were before.   And it will take time …  lots of time  …  to heal and move into whatever is next.   “In-between” places are hard!  

And just like the rain is downpouring right now on our “in-between” roof  …  so also, when we are in an “in-between” place, our tears fall like a “downpour”!  

And all we can say is:  “God I trust you!    God, please take care of me!”  

And God covers us!   

Just like the “Protecto Wrap” …  God covers and protects us in the “in-between” place!  

How about the “in-between” place of switching jobs  …  and “starting over” at a new place of employment.   It’s hard!!   It’s unsettling!  

How about the “in-between” place of switching insurance companies  …  and hoping the new insurance company will approve/ cover the desperately needed medication.    All we can say is:  “God I trust you!   God, please take care of me!”  

How about the “in-between” place of moving across the country and “starting over” in a new city,  at a new job,  in a new school,  finding a new church,  establishing new friendships, etc. …    Hubby and I have been there before.   We have some friends who are currently there right now.  

It’s hard!   It’s really hard!    And the tears fall  …  sometimes like a downpour.  

And all we can say is:  “God I trust you!   God please take care of us!”  

And God covers us!   

Just like the “Protecto Wrap” …  God covers and protects us in the “in-between” place! 

As I am sitting here typing this right now  …  at this very moment  …  the sun just now came out!   Brilliant sunshine sparkling off raindrops everywhere!    Brilliant yellow fall foliage highlighted & sparkling in the sunlight everywhere!!    It’s absolutely beautiful!!  

(I had to pause typing for a moment and go outside to get this photo!)

And the verse just now popped into my mind:     “The LORD God is a sun and shield.”  – Psalm 84:11 

The LORD God is a sun  …  even in the “in-between” place, God’s “sunlight” will break through the “rain” and sparkle in beauty and brilliance!   The light of God’s presence will break through in our life!  

The light of God’s presence will sparkle with beauty and brilliance so that all who are watching our life will stop and be in awe!    Just like I’m sitting here right now in awe of the beauty and brilliance outside my windows!   

Others will see Jesus in our life!    

There is something about the sun coming out that lifts your spirits!   So also, in the same way, the “sunlight” of God’s presence will lift our spirits!   

The LORD God is a shield  …  in the “in-between” places, God will cover us!   God will cover us with his presence!   God will cover us with his peace!   God will cover us with his protection!  

Blessed are those whose strength is in you God, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage  [this would be those “in-between” places].   As they pass through the Valley … the autumn rains cover it with pools.  

“For the LORD God is a sun and shield;  the LORD bestows favor and honor.   …   O LORD Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in you!”   

– Psalm 84:5-6;  11-12