Weight!! … carried away.

Weight!!  …  carried away.

God is so good! I had these thoughts in mind which I wanted to share for today’s blog post. But I needed photos. And I didn’t know when the truck would be coming to pick up the dumpster.

Lo and behold … at 8:45am this morning the truck showed up!

And I was able to get the exact photos I needed for this blog post! And even more/better than I had anticipated. God is that good! He surprises us by giving us “exceedingly abundantly more than we ask or imagine!” (Ephesians 3:20)

So, yesterday’s blog post discussed how we might be “driving” around through life with nasty “garbage” in the back of our life. “Garbage” of pride. “Garbage” of slander. “Garbage” of resentment. “Garbage” of bitterness. … etc. … etc. …

The challenge was made in yesterday’s blog post to give that “garbage” to Jesus. He will be happy to take it away so that you can have a clean life.

Today’s thoughts are considering weight in our life which needs to be carried away.

Weight of shame.
Weight of regrets.
Weight of bad choices we made.
Weight of forever lost opportunities.

Weight of grief.
Weight of sorrow.

Weight of depression.
Weight of hopelessness.
Weight of loneliness.

The weight is so heavy!!!

We try to get rid of the shame. But we can’t … it’s just so heavy!

We try to get over our regrets. But we can’t … it’s just so heavy!

We try to get out from under the sorrow or the depression. But we can’t … it’s just so heavy!

In this photo you can see that the truck has come to the heavy dumpster full of weight! The truck proactively came! Not only that … the truck is reaching out a powerful arm to the dumpster full of weight!

It is in this way that Jesus comes to you! Jesus comes to meet you right where you are in that weight! And just like in the photo … Jesus reaches out a powerful arm to you! Jesus extends a powerful arm to help you!

The powerful arm has taken hold of the weight … and the weight is being lifted up!!

Only Jesus Christ can lift that weight which is weighing heavy on your soul.

Only Jesus can lift the weight of shame.
Only Jesus can lift the weight of regret.

Only Jesus can lift the weight of depression.
Only Jesus can lift the weight of sorrow.

As the weight is being lifted higher and higher … the truck is backing up closer and closer.

Jesus is close to you in your pain!
Jesus is close to you in your shame!
Jesus is close to you in those regrets!
Jesus is close to you in your sorrow!
Jesus is close to you in your depression!

The back wheels of the dumpster are no longer on the ground. The full weight of the dumpster is now resting completely 100% on the truck!

Jesus can lift your weight! Let your weight rest fully and completely on Jesus!

Give that shame to Jesus … and let that weight rest fully and completely on Jesus!

Give that regret to Jesus … and let that weight rest fully and completely on Jesus!

Give that pain and that hurt to Jesus … let that weight rest fully and completely on Jesus!

Give that heartache, that sorrow, that loss to Jesus … and let that weight rest fully and completely on him!

The heavy load of weight is ready to be carried away.

But wait …

… the load is being covered!

Jesus covers your shame! Jesus died on the cross in your place for your sin, so that you can be covered and forgiven! Jesus covers your sin with Himself!

The covering is being “stretched out.”

Jesus Christ stretched out his arms on the cross and he died in your place for your sin. He died in my place for my sin! Jesus stretched out his arms and gave up his life so that we could be covered!

We are covered by grace!
We are covered by mercy!
We are covered by forgiveness!

And off the truck goes … carrying all that heavy weight away … never to be seen again!

“As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.” – Psalm 103:12

“You God have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.” – Micah 7:19

“I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” – Hebrews 8:12

Do you feel like your life is underneath a heavy overwhelming weight??

Call out to Jesus. Jesus will come to you!

Jesus will come to you … and Jesus will reach out a strong, powerful arm to help you!

Jesus will lift you up.

“He heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.” – Psalm 40:2

“He reached down from on high and took hold of me; He drew me out of deep waters.” – Psalm 18:16

Jesus can lift that heavy weight for you! Call out to Jesus! Jesus will come close to you! Right where you are.