What is Heaven like??

What is Heaven like??

Someone special
is no longer here. 
Jesus called them to Heaven. 
And we shed our tears! 

What is Heaven like
on the other side??  
…  when the breath leaves our body
and we’re no longer alive? 

In that instant we’ll see Jesus
face to face! 
…  rescued from hell
by amazing grace

He’ll wrap us in his arms
that were spread on the cross. 
He’ll embrace us in love! 
There will be no more loss. 

There will be no more sorrow. 
There will be no more pain. 
There will be no more chemo. 
There will be no more “chains.” 

There’ll be no more prescriptions. 
There’ll be no more pills. 
There’ll be no insurance. 
There’ll be no more bills. 

There’ll be no more sadness. 
No heartache.  No tears. 
There’ll be no more worry,
anxiety  …  or fear. 

There’ll be no more flooding  … 
… no homes washed away. 
No struggling to make it
just one more day. 

There’ll be no more lying. 
No stealing.  No hate. 
There’ll be no more protests. 
No people irate! 

There’ll be no more passports. 
No borders.  No gates. 
There’ll be no long lines
in which we have to wait. 

There’ll be no elections. 
No bombings.  No threats. 
There’ll be no more missiles. 
And no fighter jets. 

There’ll be no firefighters. 
And no EMT’s. 
No Secret Security. 
There’ll be no police. 

There’ll be no more crime. 
There’ll be no more greed.   
No homelessness. 
And no poverty.   

The most beautiful sunrise
that you’ve ever seen –  
…  think:  Even better!! 
And that’s what Heaven will be! 

The awe of a waterfall
cascading down! 
Think:  Even better!! 
…  in Heaven will be found! 

Hiking through the forest –
… the crisp mountain air  … 
Think:  Even better!! 
…  in Heaven will be there! 

The beauty of snowflakes,
too microscopic to see  … 
Think:  Even better!! 
…  that’s what Heaven will be! 

The warmth of the sand
underneath toes  … 
Brilliant, blue waters  … 
what about those?? 

If Jesus made it on earth,
and it’s under the curse  … 
it will be Even better!! 
…  in the new Heaven & Earth! 

We won’t need caffeine
to “get up and go”  … 
‘cause we’ll have more energy
than we’ve ever known! 

We’ll dance and we’ll sing! 
And we’ll not have to quit  … 
‘cause we won’t get tired –
not even a bit. 

It will be like a concert! 
…  with lights & displays! 
And surrounding God’s throne  … 
a rainbow ablaze! 

We’ll be on our feet  … 
hands raised in the air! 
As we praise our King Jesus! 
Glory everywhere! 

We’ll be surrounded by angels! 
And Heavenly beings unseen! 
All praising Jesus! 
The great King of Kings! 

Surrounded by Love! 
Surrounded by Grace! 
As we worship King Jesus
face to face! 

Enveloped in Peace
like we’ve never known! 
As we sing and rejoice
around God’s throne! 

I want to go there Jesus! 
I want to be there too! 
…  but you have me still on earth
for a job I must do. 

Help me be faithful Jesus! 
Help me obey  … 
help me do what you want me to. 
Help me not waste my days.  

Help me pour into others  … 
your love and your grace,
so that they too
can see you face to face! 

Jesus sustain us! 
Jesus help us live for you! 
Jesus may you be seen
in all we say and do!

(In honor of our dear, precious friend KH – who was called by Jesus into Heaven this week!)

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.” – 1 Corinthians 2:9

Jesus said: “I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” – John 14:2-3

See also: Revelation 4:1-11
Revelation chapters 21-22