“Walking-path” of Life

“Walking-path” of Life

In the dark and cold this morning, hubby walked across the gravel of the driveway headed out to face the overwhelming drama of another day at work.   I prayed over hubby!   I prayed God’s protection over hubby!  

And in that instant the verse popped into my mind:  “My steps are ordered by the Lord.”   (Psalm 37:23) 

And in that “blink” instant, God reminded me:  Hubby is exactly where God wants him.   God has placed hubby in this particular place – on this particular “path” – on purpose.  

And on the heels of that, this verse popped into my mind:   
They that wait on the Lord will renew their strength  …  they will run and not grow weary;   they will walk and not faint.”    (Isaiah 40:31) 

Yes, we are tired!    Yes, we are weary!   But God will give us the strength we need to make it through today.  We are exactly on the “path” God wants us to be  …  and God will take care of us!  

Life is like a hike.    

Life is like a hike on this path!  

Danger!   Watch out!   Beware!   You could die!  

That’s what life itself, right here, right now feels like!   There’s nothing but danger ahead!   Watch out!   Doom and disaster!  

The “path” of life we are walking feels like it’s uphill all the way!   It’s hard!!   We’re winded!   We’re exhausted!   We’re dripping sweat!  

They that wait on the Lord will renew their strength …”  

Yes Lord!   We need that!   Please, God, give us strength for yet another day!   Please God, give us the strength we need to serve you well today!  

“… they will walk and not faint.”  

Yes Lord!  We need that!  Please, God, help us not to grow faint on this portion of the path we are walking today!   Please, God, help us to walk faithfully for you!  

The “path” of life we are walking seems like it’s nothing but slick, slippery boulders!   I’m thankful I’ve got good hiking shoes.   But it still requires awareness!   It’s hard!   Climbing and climbing, up and up, over slick, slippery boulders!  

My steps are ordered by the Lord.”   (Psalm 37:23)  

God, you have called each of us to this particular “path” we are walking!   This “path” is your will, God!    God, we trust you!  

God makes my seps firm.   Though I stumble, I will not fall, for the LORD upholds me with his right hand.”   (Psalm 37:23-24)  

God, we are walking a slippery trail today!   God, please hold us up!   God, we trust you!  

As I was just now typing this, my daughter texted me this message:  

“I keep passing by a Retirement Home on the little back road going to work.  There is one specific older man who has a flashing light on the front of his walker for his morning walks.  I always think it’s a really fast biker till I pull up and it’s the old guy in the green vest with his walker.”  

I replied to my daughter:  “I want to be like that!   With a flashing light on my walker  …  never giving up!”  

I want to be faithful on my “path of life.”   I don’t ever want to be complacent.   I don’t ever want to be apathetic.  

I want to be faithful to what God has called me to  …  even to my old age and walker days!   …  walking the “path of life” which God has called me to!   

My steps are ordered by the Lord.”   (Psalm 37:23)  

God makes my seps firm.   Though I stumble, I will not fall, for the LORD upholds me with his right hand.”   (Psalm 37:23-24)  

They that wait on the Lord will renew their strength  …  they will run and not grow weary;   they will walk and not faint.”    (Isaiah 40:31)