When your tastes change …

When your tastes change …

Hubby’s epic work party this week turned out amazing! Everyone had a really fun time! And everyone loved the different awards!

The desserts for this party were cupcakes & cookies from PinkaBella Cupcakes! Gourmet! Amazing, tasty goodness!

All of the cupcakes were completely gone by the end of the party … and only these few cookies remained at the end. So … hubby brought them home to share with me! … so that I could have a little “taste” of the party too! Yay me!

Whoa! Yumness! Hubby and I each had a cookie for dessert that night after dinner. Definitely gourmet! Perhaps one of the best cookies I have ever had!

However, as much as my mouth loved the cookie! … my body wasn’t happy at all with that much sugar.

That’s strange.

I’ve never had a problem gobbling down massive amounts of sugar before. My body has never complained in the past, no matter how many cookies or brownies I’ve enjoyed!

But come to think of it … this exact same thing happened last Sunday, when hubby and I had a picnic brunch with our son and daughter-in-law after Sunday morning worship service.

Our son and daughter-in-law brought healthy, hearty breakfast sandwiches. But hubby and I brought donuts! After all, donuts have always been our go-to treat for special occasions!

Hubby’s favorite donut has always been the raspberry jelly filled donut; while my favorite has always been the chocolate-covered Boston cream donut! So there I sat on Sunday, in the beautiful outdoors … feasting on my chocolate-covered Boston cream donut!

And my body wasn’t happy at all with that much sugar!

I ignored what my body was telling me and kept right on feasting!

However, the rest of the afternoon I felt lethargic and icky because I didn’t listen to what my body was telling me.

What has changed??

My tastes have changed.

Over the past few months, my daughter has voluntarily gone on a gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free, sugar-free diet. And as I have walked alongside her in her journey, I have been introduced to all kinds of wonderful substitutes for maintaining a diet such as this.

I’ve discovered the joy of baking with almond flour, rice flour, and grinding up oatmeal to make oat flour.

I’ve discovered the joy of baking with honey, and monk fruit.

I’ve discovered the joy of making homemade ice cream with coconut cream, rather than whipping cream.

And as I’ve walked alongside my daughter in her dietary journey, I too have adjusted what I eat. I’ve cut way back on my sugar intake.

After several months now of having a diet with very low sugar … to go back to the way I used to eat feels strange. A bit overwhelming, perhaps. I used to have no problem at all with copious, unhealthy amounts of sugar!

But not anymore!

My tastes have changed!

This is a lot like what happens when we turn from our sin and give our sin to Jesus. Jesus takes away all our sin. God makes us new! And as a result, our “tastes” change … our desire to sin has been taken away.

We no longer want to do the sinful things we used to do.

And now, when we do do the sinful things we used to do … it’s strange. We don’t feel right about it at all. We no longer enjoy it. Our spiritual “tastes” have changed.

The more and more we grow in Christ and become spiritually healthy, the less and less we will want the unhealthy sinful things.

Ephesians 4:17-24 sums it up this way:

“You must no longer live … in the futility of your thinking, darkened in your understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in you due to the hardening of your heart. Having lost all sensitivity, you’ve given yourself over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more.

“With regard to your former way of life, you must put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; be made new in the attitude of your minds; and put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.”

What are the unhealthy habits which we no longer have an appetite for?
Ephesians 4:25-32 tells us:

* “Stop lying.” (vs 25)

* “Stop stealing.” (vs. 28)

* “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths.” (vs. 29)

* “Get rid of all bitterness” (vs. 31)

* “Get rid of all rage and uncontrolled anger.” (vs. 31)

* “Stop slandering others.” (vs. 32)

* “Get rid of every form of malice.” (vs. 32)

* “There must not be even a hint of sexual immorality.” (Eph. 5:3)

* “There must not be even a hint of greed.” (Eph. 5:3)

* “There must not be obscenity, foolish talk, or coarse joking.” (Eph. 5:4)

When we are made new in Jesus Christ, our “appetite” changes. We no longer desire these old unhealthy habits anymore. But rather, we have a new “appetite.” We desire new things:

* “Speak truthfully to each other.” (Eph. 4:25)

* “Rather than steal, work; do something useful with your own hands, that you might have something to share with those in need.” (Eph. 4:28)

* “Speak words which are helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” (Eph. 4:29)

* “Be kind and compassionate to one another.” (Eph. 4:32)

* “Forgive each other, just as God forgave you.” (Eph. 4:32)

* “Be imitators of God and live a life of love.” (Eph. 5:1-2)

* Be thankful.” (Eph. 5:4)

Here you can see the leftover donuts from our picnic brunch last Sunday. I put them in the freezer when we got home that afternoon. (then pulled them out for this photo)

There is nothing sinful about eating donuts. Hubby and I will no doubt finish up these donuts over time.

But the fact remains … my tastes have changed; my appetite has changed.

When we give our sin to Jesus Christ, and when God makes us spiritually new – our tastes change! Our spiritual appetite changes! (this is due to the power & work of the Holy Spirit in us now!)

What we used to do, we don’t want to do anymore!

And what we never would have considered doing before, that’s what we now want to do!

God’s transforming work in our life is amazing!

Thank you God for making us new in Christ!