If anyone is hungry … come!

If anyone is hungry … come!

Bright and early this morning I came into the kitchen to warm up my hot coco for breakfast. I was taken aback by surprise when I suddenly noticed the coyote out the window, meandering around and under the plum tree, having breakfast too.

But wait a minute … there’s another coyote!

The first coyote had shared the good news about the plums with a friend! And the first coyote had brought his friend to enjoy the plums too!

I was in such awe watching them that I didn’t even bother to go get my phone to take a photo. So the best you’ve got today is some photos of plums on the ground. Half-eaten plums at that.

The plum tree has plenty of plums for everyone in the forest!

The bear was the first to come enjoy the plums. Then hubby and I gathered some to enjoy.

The buck came by … then came back again, bringing a young buck friend.
The coyote came by … then came back again, bringing a friend.

The does have been by. The birds have enjoyed the plums. And the little chipmunks and squirrels. No doubt the little mice and forest-floor creatures have feasted as well!

Here you can see a little squirrel using a nearby sapling as a “ladder” to access the plum branch. All Saturday morning this little squirrel was running up the sapling “ladder” into the plum tree … then back down the sapling “ladder.” Once it jumped straight off the plum branch, directly towards the Ring camera.

Everyone in the forest is welcome to come enjoy the plums!

The smallest of forest creatures, those “unseen” and “hidden” on the forest floor (little beetles and mice, etc.) have ample access to sweet, delicious plums. They are welcome to freely come and feast to their heart’s content.

The furthermost top branches of the plum tree welcome woodpeckers, and all different kinds of birds, as well as the climbing, scampering little chipmunks and squirrels. These are all welcome to freely come and feast to their heart’s content.

The larger dominant animals of the forest (the bear, buck, and does) are welcome to freely come and feast to their heart’s content.

The coyotes who kill little squirrels and bunnies are likewise welcome to come and feast.

I haven’t seen a bobcat or a cougar … but if these “killers” were in the neighborhood they too could freely feast on the sweet, tasty goodness.

In the very final closing verses of the Bible, Jesus offers this invitation to everyone: “Come! Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.” – Revelation 22:17

If we were to apply this verse to our plum tree in the forest it might read: “Come! Whoever is hungry, let them come; and whoever wishes, let them take the free gift of the sweet juicy plums.”

Jesus Himself is the “water of life.”

In the above passage, Jesus is inviting everyone to come to Him! Jesus offers everyone the free gift of salvation! Jesus offers everyone forgiveness of sins. Jesus offers everyone the opportunity to have new life through him … everlasting life in heaven!

This offer is for everyone … just like the plums on the tree in the forest are for everyone in the forest.

The large dominant forest animals: these could represent the more dominant people in society … Jesus offers salvation and new life for you!

The little beetles and mice on the forest floor: these could represent the “hidden” & “unseen” people in society … Jesus offers salvation and new life for you!

The birds high up in the branches, and the squirrels & chipmunks which busily scamper to and fro: these could represent the busy people in society – busy, busy, busy – places to go and things to do! Jesus offers salvation and new life for you!

The coyotes which kill the little bunnies and squirrels: these could represent the people in society which are “unsafe” and “up-to-no-good” … Jesus offers salvation and new life for you!

The bobcat and cougar “killers”: these could represent the people in society who have done really bad things … Jesus offers salvation and new life for you!

Jesus offers salvation and new life for everyone!

No matter who you are … no matter what you have done, Jesus offers forgiveness for your sin. Jesus offers to give you a fresh brand-new start.

If you are empty inside … if your soul is “hungry” … Jesus’s offer is “Come!”

Whoever is hungry, you are welcome to come! Come to Jesus! Give your shame and sin to Jesus. And accept Jesus’s free gift of forgiveness and salvation.

Here you can see there are plenty of plums on the tree for everyone in the forest! In the same way, Jesus has enough forgiveness for everyone!

“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” – Romans 10:13

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16

The plums on the plum tree won’t last forever. There will reach a time when the opportunity of harvest is over. So also, in the same way, Jesus’s offer of forgiveness and salvation won’t last forever. There will reach a time when the opportunity Jesus offers is over.

“Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.” – Revelation 22:17