Come to the water

Come to the water

I almost always have a song going through my head.  (I call it my “head radio.”)  

Last night as I was sleeping, I became aware of a song playing through my “head radio.”  I could hear it plain as day in my head  …  my dad’s quartet from way back when I was a little girl.   I could hear my dad’s voice standing out in particular, singing his specific part in the quartet.   

In fact, it pulled me awake.   It was so real.  

And the image which was vividly in my mind, as I heard my dad’s quartet in my “head radio,” was this scene right here.  

Isn’t it beautiful.  

And here are the words which pulled me awake and were playing through my head at 3am: 

“And Jesus said: ‘Come to the water stand by my side. 
I know you are thirsty.  You won’t be denied. 
I felt every teardrop, when in darkness you cried. 
And I strove to remind you, that for those tears I died.’”  

I found it to be a very curious thing that God would wake me up at 3 am with that particular song vividly playing through my head  …  with that particular image in my mind.  

It was almost as if God was wanting me to share it on the blog  …  because someone out there reading the blog has been crying, and wondering if God cares.  

God sees your tears.   God cares!  

It was for those tears that Jesus died.  

The above photo was taken last week, on July 4th.   Hubby and I and our daughter had driven over the mountains to central Washington.   We were enjoying the change of scenery and exploring the area around Cle Elum, when I noticed nearby Cle Elum Lake on my map app  …  with a little icon for Speely Beach.   Might as well check it out.  

We meandered this way and that way on curvy roads through nowhere.   We didn’t really expect much of Speely Beach.   But when we pulled up  …  we were completely blown away!  

We were not expecting that at all!  

Is that not amazing!    Absolutely breathtaking!

Not only that  …  check out how much the lake has shrunk!    What used to be the boat launch is now a ramp for cars to drive down to the water.  

So  …  hubby and I and our daughter drove right on down to the water’s edge to join the rest of the vehicles and everyone else at the lake.   

We pulled our lawn chairs out of the back of the car and plopped down to soak in the beauty of it all!   And in that moment, as I was taking this photo, this song popped into my head:  

“How deep the Father’s love for us. 
How vast beyond all measure! 
That he should give his only Son,
and make a wretch his treasure.  
How great the pain of searing loss,  
the Father turns his face away. 
As wounds which mar the chosen One,  
bring many sons to glory. 

“Behold the man upon the cross,
my sin upon his shoulders. 
Ashamed I hear my mocking voice,
call out among the scoffers. 
It was my sin that held him there,
until it was accomplished. 
His dying breath has brought me life. 
I know that it is finished. 

“I will not boast in anything,  
no gifts, no power, no wisdom.   
But I will boast in Jesus Christ,   
his death and resurrection. 
Why should I gain from his reward?   
I cannot give an answer.   
But this I know with all my heart:    
His wounds have paid my ransom!”  

How Deep The Father’s Love For Us (  

Thank you God that your love is deep!   And vast!   Just like this beautiful lake!  

Thank you God that you invite us to come to the water!   Thank you God that you offer us refreshing when our souls are hot and dry and thirsty and weary.  

Thank you God that you see every teardrop we cry!  

Thank you Jesus that for those tears you died  …  so that we could have hope and new life with you!