What’s in your cup?

What’s in your cup?

Hubby and I were feeling celebratory for July 4th, so we decided to go get a fancy dessert from the grocery store.   Usually when we go get a special dessert treat from the grocery store it is always some sort of fancy ice cream.  

But this time I decided to splurge and get a dessert treat from the bakery.  

You see, back last year (in September) I had seen these adorable little chocolate-cup dessert treats in the cooler case in the bakery section.  

They were outrageously expensive  …  there was no way I was going to pay that much for a dessert treat.   So I consoled myself by taking a photo, so I could forever admire what a wonderfully clever dessert it was.  

But since we were being celebratory for July 4th, I decided to splurge on one of those outrageously expensive chocolate-cup desserts.   I instinctively assumed the chocolate-cup was filled with the most amazingly delicious chocolate mousse.   And I couldn’t help but have the greatest admiration for whoever the genius person was who came up with such a clever wonderful dessert!  

When hubby and I arrived at the cooler case in the bakery section, I noticed that the title on the label was “Coffee Cup.”   Ooooooo!!!   That means it’s probably some sort of dark-chocolate mocha mousse filling!  Yumm!!  

I couldn’t wait to try it!   

For this exquisite dessert to be a dark-chocolate mocha mousse inside a chocolate-shell-cup  …  that definitely is worth the price  (just this once).  

So the bakery worker placed my chocolate-cup dessert treat in a plastic container.  

And in triumph I carried my treasure across the grocery store to the ice cream section, where hubby picked out a fancy kind of ice cream for his dessert treat.   Then we headed home with our celebratory desserts  …  to enjoy on the back deck.  

TaDa!     I couldn’t wait to dig in to the dark-chocolate mocha mousse awaiting me!  

I took a first spoonful of whipped cream  …  but there wasn’t any dark-chocolate mocha mousse underneath.     

So I took another spoonful  …  and another spoonful  …  and still no dark-chocolate mocha mousse. 

Much to my utter surprise and great disappointment there was no chocolate mousse at all in the chocolate-cup.   The entire chocolate-cup was simply filled with whipped cream.   What!?!     

Have you ever eaten spoonful after spoonful after spoonful of nothing but whipped cream.   It’s a bit bizarre.  

Until, at the very bottom, I came across a few bites of brownie.  

How can you have a chocolate-cup with the title:  “Coffee Cup” and not have anything in it?!?   Whip cream doesn’t count.   Whip cream is simply the topping to go on top of what is supposed to be in the cup.  

I suddenly no longer had any admiration for the genius person who invented such a wonderful treat.   In fact, I felt rather gypped.   Cheated.   Deceived.  

But  …  no where on the label in the cooler case had there been any indication at all that there was anything else in the chocolate-cup other than what was visible.  

Even the sticker on the container which the bakery worker printed out did not list anything in the ingredient list other than the chocolate required to make the cup.  

I had assumed.  

I had assumed what would be inside the chocolate cup.  

As we go throughout life, it seems just about everyone around us is like those beautiful chocolate-cups in the cooler case.    Everyone looks so fabulous!  

We look at our coworkers  …  and they look absolutely fabulous!   Their life looks fabulous!  

We look at our neighbors  …  and they look absolutely fabulous!   Their life looks fabulous!  

We look at our friends  …  and they look absolutely fabulous!   Their life looks fabulous!  

And we assume.  

We assume their life is filled with wonderfulness  …  just like I assumed the chocolate-cup dessert treat was filled with wonderfulness.  

But  …  just because everyone around us looks absolutely fabulous, that does not mean there is wonderfulness on the inside.   On the inside their life might be as “empty” as the overpriced dessert treat with nothing but “empty” whipped cream.  

Nothing,  but “empty” whipped cream all the way to the bottom, where there were just a few bites of brownie.   There was a little bit of something.   But not much.  

Is this your life?  

What’s in your cup?