“Knee high” by the 4th of July

“Knee high” by the 4th of July

So  …  after a dismally cold, rainy May & June, our garden has finally reached “knee high.”    

Of course, the phrase “Knee high by the 4th of July” is referring to corn:  if your corn is “knee high” by the 4th of July, then your corn crop is on track for a good harvest.   However, I’m just delighted that anything at all in our garden is “knee high” at this point.  

The wheat is knee high!    Rejoicing!  

The tomatoes are knee high!    Rejoicing!  

The bean runners are knee high!    Rejoicing!  

The 2 or 3 sunflowers are knee high!    Rejoicing!  

I think the garden will be ok after all.  
It wasn’t “on track” like it was last year, but I think it’s going to be just fine.  

There’s going to be a beautiful harvest after all.  

When it comes to life, we tend to have expectations for different stages of our life.    

Such as  …  by the time I’m a junior in high school I should have my college major and my life’s trajectory totally figured out.  

Or  …  by the time I graduate from college, I should have my dream job all lined up and my future mapped out before me.  

Or  …  by the time I’m this age I should be married.  

Or  …  by the time I’m this age I should have kids.  

Or  …  by the time I’m this age I should own my own home.  

Or  …  by the time I’m this age I should be at this point in my career.  

etc..  etc..  etc..  …  

But life is a lot like mine and hubby’s garden.   Life doesn’t always go according to our expectations.  

In the same way that it has taken two full months for our garden plants to reach “knee high”  …  so also those mile markers we have in mind for where we want to be in life might take longer than we anticipate.  

It’s ok if your life doesn’t look exactly like you thought it would at this point.  

There’s no reason for me and hubby to look at everyone else’s garden and compare.   It would be ridiculous for us to compare our garden to the garden of someone who lives in a hot sunny place.   Our garden is unique to the climate where we live.   And it’s also unique to mine and hubby’s gardening skill.  

The same thing is true in life.   Don’t compare your life  (where you are in life, and what you are accomplishing in life)  with everyone else.  

Your life is completely unique to you.  

Everyone else’s life is completely unique to them.   God didn’t make you to have their life.   God made you to have your life.  

If you feel like your life is similar to mine and hubby’s garden  …  struggling and “lagging behind”  …  don’t be discouraged.   Just like our garden is “knee high by the 4th of July” (meaning it’s right on track!), so also your life is right on track too!