July 4th joys!

July 4th joys!

Flag flying! With all the branches of the armed forces represented!
This brings me great joy!

Thank you God for the wonderful country you’ve given us to live in!

Chick-fil-A flag flying! Yes … this brings me great joy!

University flag flying!
Freedom! Liberty! Education! The opportunity to pursue dreams and make something of our life!
What a blessing!

Football game flag flying!

Thank you God for all the wonderful things about our wonderful country!

Around-town flag-flying! Love it!

Ski-resort flag flying! (Crystal Mountain Ski Resort up at Mt. Rainier)

Lighthouse flag flying! This brings me great joy!

(Grays Harbor Light)

(New Dungeness Light)

Busy city flag flying! (NYC)

Lonely beach flag flying! (PNW coast)

California coast flag flying! Such joy!

National Parks flag flying! This brings me so much joy!

(Grand Canyon National Park)

Top of the mountain flag flying! (way up at Sunrise, Mt. Rainier)

Desert flag flying!

Border flag-flying!

(Peace Arch, at the Canadian border-crossing)

Front porch flag flying! So much joy!

My forest-home flag flying!

Thank you God for our wonderful country you have given us to live in and call home! We are truly grateful! We are so blessed!