Hidden, inner “song”

Hidden, inner “song”

As I have been “connecting” to my different plants, in order to listen to their hidden, inner “song”, it has occurred to me how strikingly similar it is to the way we each “connect” to each other in relationship. 

Every person around us has a hidden, inner “song.”    Everyone!   

Perhaps it might be a sad hidden, inner “song”  …  maybe because of a really tough difficult situation.    Or maybe because of deep pain from past experiences.    Or maybe because of great tragedy or personal loss.   Whatever it is, no one else can “hear” the “song.”    It’s deep down.    It’s hidden.  

On the surface, these people look just like my beautiful plants.    Green, growing, “everything’s fine.”    We have no idea of the hidden inner “song” flowing within.  

Or perhaps the inner “song” might be joyful!  …  maybe because of getting that dream job, in that dream career.    Or maybe because life is just going really well.    

Or perhaps the inner “song” might be one of anxious fearful anxiety!    If we could “tap on with electrodes” we would discover that the music is fretful, rapid, fluctuating.    While on the surface you would have no idea just by looking at the plant. 

Each of my plants has surprised me by their own completely unique, hidden inner “song.”  

Every person is just like this!  

Every person has their own completely unique, hidden inner “song.”  

Being in a relationship with someone (whether as an acquaintance, a coworker, a friend, a family member, a spouse, etc.)  is when we “clip on electrodes” in order to “listen” to the “music within.” 

Our relationships with each other are when we “tap in” …  when we “connect”  …  when we let others “hear” our hidden, inner “song.”    And when we, in turn, are invited to “hear” their hidden, inner “song.”  

I feel like it is a very sacred thing to be able to listen to the hidden, inner “song” of my plants  …  to be able to “hear” (via music) the electrical impulses which are making my plants grow the way they do. 

The same thing is true when it comes to being invited into someone’s life relationally.    It is a very sacred thing to be permitted to “hear” their hidden, inner “song.”    It is their hidden, inner “song” which makes them who they are.    It is their hidden, inner “song” which makes them “grow” in life the way they do.  

Everyone has their own, unique hidden, inner “song.”    Just as each of my plants have their own, unique hidden, inner “song.”  

The relationships we have with others  …  being able to “listen in” to someone else’s hidden, inner “song”  …  that is sacred!    For it reaches down to their very soul.    That is very sacred.  

Don’t treat it lightly.  

The hidden, inner “song” of someone else is a very sacred thing.

If you would like to hear the “song” of the poinsettia, you can listen to it here (this video clip is 28 seconds):
Poinsettia 1 (youtube.com)