November joys … leftover Halloween candy!

November joys … leftover Halloween candy!

I had taken the little plastic orange pumpkin-pail over to my daughter so she could have a festive container to use when she passed out candy to trick-or-treaters.  

But unfortunately, she did not have any trick-or-treaters after all.   

Which meant  …  she had lots of leftover trick-or-treat candy.  

Which, in turn, meant  …  when she gave the little plastic orange pumpkin-pail back, she had left a generous amount of leftover candy in there for me!    Yay me!!     

I love Fruity Boba Mochi candies!!    My daughter has excellent taste when it comes to Halloween candy!   Haha! 

Thank you God for November joys!    Thank you for Fruity Boba Mochi candies!    And thank you for such a wonderful loving daughter who would share her leftover candy with me!