November joys … Salted-cheese tea!

November joys … Salted-cheese tea!

There is a new tea shop which has just recently opened, up near where my kids live.    It is called Happy Lemon.     

Earlier this past Spring I noticed that Happy Lemon was getting ready to open.    What a wonderful name!   That sounded like just the type of place I would enjoy checking out.    I looked up their website to peruse their menu  (so I could be prepared once they finally opened!  Haha!)  …  and discovered that their signature item which they are most notably known for is their Salted-cheese tea. 

Salted-cheese tea?!?    What is that?? 

Evidently Salted-cheese tea was invented in 2010  …  fairly recently.    According to Google:  “Salted-cheese tea originated in the night market stands of Taiwan.  Back then, vendors combined powdered cheese and salt with whipping cream and milk to form a foamy, tangy layer on top of a cup of cold tea.” 

Oh that sounds like something I would definitely like to try!    I couldn’t wait for Happy Lemon to open! 

But lo and behold, once Happy Lemon finally did open for business, their hours of operation were during times when I was never up in that part of town.    Sadness.    I’m always up there every Sunday morning  …  but they don’t open until 11:30am.    And whenever I’m up in that area to see my kids in the evenings  …  it’s entirely too late in the day for me to be having a big cup of caffeinated tea.  

So months have passed  …  and I have not had a chance to try Salted-cheese tea. 

Until recently!    November joys!    I was finally able to try Salted-cheese tea!    Yay!!  

I went up to have lunch with my daughter, and I picked us both up a Salted-cheese tea on my way.    Since I wasn’t quite sure what I was getting, I went with plain black-tea, with the salted-cheese foam on top.    It was really yummy!   

This past Saturday, hubby and I drove up to see our kids and drop off  “I love you” butterhorn rolls  …  and the timing happened to work out that we were in the area when Happy Lemon was open!    How fortuitous!    So we stopped in again  …  and this time I got milk tea, with the salted-cheese foam on top!   So exciting!!  

I told hubby that it’s a good thing we do not have a Happy Lemon in the part of town where we live, or I would definitely want to try everything on the menu!    The next time I have the chance, I’m going to try Strawberry tea, with the salted-cheese foam on top!    Can’t wait!  

Thank you God for November joys!    Thank you for Salted-cheese tea!