Fall joys!

Fall joys!

With so much bad going on in the world right now, we all could really use a little bit of good.    

So for today’s post I would like to share several special blessings from God, from the past few days.  

Hubby and I were walking into church yesterday morning, and lo and behold! … there in the grass beside the sidewalk were red mushrooms!    Red!    I have never seen red mushrooms before!    How unbelievably cool!    Thank you God for this extra special Sunday morning blessing!  

Sunday afternoon found hubby and I enjoying a delightful stroll around our neighborhood together, when hubby spotted these super large mushrooms off to the side in the grass. Aren’t they beauties!

From huge to tiny … I discovered this little mushroom last week, growing in the forest out from my kitchen window.   

Lo and behold  …  come to find out, my son has some just like it growing in the grass at his house too!    How cool is that!    Thank you God for matching mushrooms!  

Check out this delicate little white mushroom!    Thank you God for Fall joys!  

And last but not least, I was captivated by how the water droplets beaded up on the back of this little fuzzy caterpillar’s coat.    I just had to take a picture to show you!    So you could think it was cool too!  

When the world is falling apart all around us  …  I thank you God that You are still in control!   

Thank you God for sprinkling blessings all throughout our lives … so that we can know You are here!    You are right here!    You are with us!    And no matter how bad the world around us gets,  God You will always be with us!