Be who God made you to be … right here, in this season!

Be who God made you to be … right here, in this season!

The strawberries are blooming!?  …  and producing!?   


In September?!?  

Strawberries aren’t supposed to bloom and produce in September!    Everybody knows that!  

Strawberries are supposed to bloom and produce in June!  

I remember that last year these strawberries decided to bloom and produce in September.  

Who says that these strawberries can’t bloom and produce in September?    Their fruit is sweet and juicy!    Their fruit is a wonderful treat  …  in a season when you typically don’t get fresh strawberries.  

Have you ever felt like what you are doing isn’t “good enough” …   because it isn’t what everyone else is expecting?  

You are “blooming” and “producing” something really awesome  …  but everyone around you is criticizing, because “that’s not what you’re supposed to do.”  

Perhaps you are just like these strawberries, producing a fabulous harvest right alongside the tomatoes.    But everyone around you is telling you that “this is not your season.”    You “can’t do that” because “this is not your season.”  

Be who God made you to be!  

If God made you to bloom and produce fruit in this season  …  then bloom your heart out!    Produce as much as you can!    Because this season right here  …  this season is your season!  

Don’t listen to the naysayers.    Ignore all those people.    It doesn’t matter what they think!  

Be who God made you to be!    And bloom just the way God made you to bloom  …  right here in this season!    And produce fruit just the way God made you to produce fruit  …  right here in this season!