Pumpkin-spice frozen treat

Pumpkin-spice frozen treat

My loving Dad was texting with me this past week and he shared with me about going to get a Pumpkin-spice frozen treat at a fast-food restaurant.    I was intrigued.    I decided I would like to try a Pumpkin-spice frozen treat as well.  

So yesterday, after hubby and I were done perusing the arts & crafts festival, we swung by and picked up said frozen treat on our way home.  

I was inspired!    I decided to make my own Pumpkin-spice frozen treat.  

Which is what I did this afternoon.    It turned out yummy!  

Here you can see our pumpkin harvest this year.    Homegrown pumpkins make the very best pumpkin mush.    But if you don’t have any homegrown pumpkins, you can pick up little sugar-pie pumpkins at the grocery store.  

Just cut the pumpkin in half, scoop out the seeds, then place the pumpkin halves upside down (skin side up) on a greased, aluminum-foil-lined baking sheet.    Roast the pumpkin at 400* for 1 hour, or until soft.    Let pumpkin cool, then scoop out the softened pumpkin mush.    Freeze in small portion-size containers.  

If you would like to make your own Pumpkin-spice frozen treat, here is how:  

1 frozen banana  
½ cup pumpkin mush  
1 cup milk  (or almond milk)  
Dash of maple syrup  
Dash of allspice  
Dash of nutmeg  
Dash of cloves  
1/8 tsp. cinnamon  

Whirl together in blender until smooth and creamy. 

My go-to peanut-butter-banana smoothie has now been officially replaced by this fabulous Fall Pumpkin-spice frozen treat!   

Thank you to my loving Dad for the inspiration!