God is more than enough!

God is more than enough!

I wanted to give you an update on my Hoopes rose.   

I shared in a previous blog post how the parsley had decided to move into my Hoopes rose’s pot this spring.    The pot was plenty big enough and the Hoopes rose was happy to be generous and share its hospitality.    

But as summer progressed, the parsley took more and more  …  until it was literally sucking the life out of my Hoopes rose.    Taking up all the space.    Taking all the nutrients in the soil.    Taking all the water.  

My Hoopes rose had been so generous  …  but it reached a point that its generosity was all used up.    There wasn’t anything more left to give.   

My Hoopes rose was withering from utter depletion.  

Have you ever felt this way?    Have you ever poured yourself out to love on other people and serve other people  …  only to eventually find yourself utterly depleted?    Drained.    Spent.    Empty.

  • Depleted of time.
  • Depleted of energy.
  • Depleted of patience.
  • Depleted of resources.

  • Depleted of creativity.
  • Depleted of ideas.

  • Depleted of joy.
  • Deleted of peace.
  • Depleted of strength.

Utterly spent.    Empty.    

Aren’t you glad God never runs out!    I sure am!  

God is more than enough!

  • God never runs out of time  …  God always has time for me.

  • God never runs out of strength  …  God is always strong to save me and help me when I need Him.

  • God never runs out of patience  …  God is always patient with me.

  • God never runs out of creativity  …  each new day God brings a brand new uniquely beautiful sunrise!   Every day the earth is filled with the beauty and creativity of our amazing God!

  • God never runs out of wisdom  …  God always is there to counsel and guide me.

  • God never runs out of knowledge  …  God is continually teaching me and helping me grow and learn.

  • God never runs out of resources  …  God will always supply exactly what I need.

  • God never runs out of joy  …  when I’m empty and depleted, God fills me back up again with His joy.

  • God never runs out of peace  …  because God is peace.    When I’m spent and at my breaking point, God wraps His arms around me and imbues me with His presence and His peace. 

Here you can see my Hoopes rose at the present.    It is setting on 7 new little blooms!    I find that deeply meaningful and significant!  

Just as my Hoopes rose is being restored  …  filling out with abundant new foliage and setting on a whole new bunch of beautiful blooms  …  so also God does the same thing with us.  

God calls us to be generous.    Because God Himself is generous.  

But when we are spent and depleted, from giving and giving and giving  …  God heals us and restores us  …  and brings us to a place where we can once again bloom beautifully for Him!  

God never runs out!    God’s generosity never runs out!  

God calls us to be generous too!  

But our generosity is finite.    Our generosity eventually runs out.  

But God is more than enough!    When our generosity runs out,  God restores our soul and fills us back up again  …  so that we can keep on going and keep on giving.  

God is more than enough!