Your job in this war matters!

Your job in this war matters!

Do you ever feel like you are not good enough?  

I feel this way sometimes.    My hubby and both my kids have far more strength, energy, and stamina than I have.    They can do amazing things!    They are all brilliant when it comes to technology.    I am not.  

Recently I have been reading a book about war, entitled:  “On The Ground – The Secret War In Vietnam,” by John Stryker Meyer & John E. Peters.   

The accounts in this book detail the dangerous and daring missions of SOG (Studies and Observations Group) teams.   These small special forces teams were flown via Huey helicopters and dropped deep in enemy territory.  

Those on the SOG teams were highly trained, and highly skilled!    They were the best of the best! 

When it comes to spiritual warfare for the Kingdom of Heaven, I think of hubby and both my kids as being on the “special forces SOG teams”!   

Hubby and both my kids are highly trained!    They are highly trained in the offensive weaponry of the Gospel  …  as well as defensive countermeasures of the Gospel.  

Spiritually speaking, hubby and both my kids are loaded down with “C-4,  blasting caps and detcord,  ammunition and claymores,  M-79 grenade launcher,  hand grenades,  and CAR-15’s.”    Or in other words, their minds and hearts are loaded for bear with the Word of God!    

Not only that  …  just like the SOG teams, they are highly skilled!   

Every day hubby and my two kids are dropped deep in enemy territory  (at the places of employment God has assigned to them).    Every day hubby and my two kids have to navigate dangerous politically-charged “minefields”!    Any false step and they will be blown to smithereens!  

Hubby and my two kids have bravery to face hostile environments  …  outnumbered!    They have stamina and fortitude to keep pushing through the most difficult of situations!    They are calm under pressure, even in the direst of circumstances! 

They make it out of one blazing firefight  …  only to return once more  …  and do it all over again.   

That’s amazing!   

I can’t do that.  

God, I want so badly to make a difference in this war.    God, I want to give all I’ve got to push back the forces of evil and advance Your Kingdom!   

But God, I can’t do that.   

Deep in my soul I hear God speak to me:  “You can’t do that because that’s not your job.”  

And He’s right.    That’s not what I’ve been called to do.    My job is to provide air support!   

My job is to listen to Covey  (aka: the Holy Spirit)  …  and then come in low, in just the right spot, with cannons blazing!!    Providing desperately needed fire-cover for my SOG team when they’re pinned down.   

My job is to fly in and drop supplies and extra ammo when my SOG team is pinned down and running low!  

Yes, the SOG team on the ground is amazing!    But they can’t do what they do without air support!  

They need me to fly in low on a gun run  …  then follow that up with 500-pounders!    But I have to be listening to Covey (the Holy Spirit)!!    I have to know exactly what areas to target!    And when!    Covey is calling the plays!    Covey is directing the air strike!  

My job in this war matters!    It matters a lot!    My job is to provide support!  

Your job in this war matters!   

Maybe the High Commander Jesus Christ has called you to be on a SOG team –  dropped deep in enemy territory each day at your place of employment.    Maybe you have been called to pilot a Huey and come in hovering for a rescue lift!    Maybe you have been called to provide air strike support!  

It takes courage!    It takes courage to blaze full-throttle forward in the face of bullets flying!    It takes courage hang in there  …  even though you’re “bullet riddled.”    It takes courage to stay the course and accomplish the task  … regardless of the bombs exploding all around!  

It takes dogged determination!   

It takes commitment! 

It takes stamina!    It takes endurance! 

Your job in this war matters!!