Blessings along the hike

Blessings along the hike

God’s good blessings to all of us are sprinkled throughout our everyday normal lives.   

Last Saturday, our hike up to Lake Twenty-Two was no exception.    Here are a few of God’s good blessings to us along the hike!   

When we first arrived at Lake Twenty-Two, everything was socked in with fog.    I didn’t even see the towering wall of rock on the far side of the lake at first, it was so hidden by the fog.    Lake Twenty-Two is tucked away on the northern back side of Mt. Pilchuck.    Therefore, my guess is that it is probably socked in with fog the vast majority of the time.   

Within minutes of our arrival, the fog began to lift!    

After enjoying the initial view upon our arrival, we headed around the lake to find a spot to sit & relax for a snack.    By the time we reached our picnicking snack spot, the fog had totally lifted, and all was blue skies and sunshine!    Wow! … thank you, God!   

Thank you, God for the blessing of seeing the lake in the fog.    And thank you for the blessing of enjoying the lake with blue skies and sunshine!    What a cool contrast!  

The night before our hike, my son had gone to the store and had specially chosen snacks for our adventure.    As we sat in the glorious sunshine on the shores of Lake Twenty-Two, my son pulled out the snacks, and we feasted!    Everything tastes so much better in the fresh air and sunshine!    Especially after a hard hike up a long hill!   

My daughter and I have a standing joke about how I always take photos of “not epic food” in epic locations.    (I wrote about this in a blog post last year  …  and shared a photo of a Rainier cherry up at Mt. Rainier, etc.)    To continue the tradition, here you can see the pretzel from my snack of Gardetto’s … at Lake Twenty-Two.   

Thank you, God for snacks in the sunshine!  

A little chipmunk came by to visit. So exciting!      
And … check out the little toad we saw on the way back down. So cool!

Thank you, God for Your amazing little creatures!

A trail meandered all the way around the lake.    I was curious to explore and hike the trail all the way around the lake.    So, my family was kind and gracious and we hiked all the way around the lake!    Thank you, God for a loving family!

And of course, being a flower lover, I just had to stop at every little wildflower and take a photo.    My family was gracious and kind  …  and patient!    Thank you, God for a patient family!   

(They don’t seem to mind too much, because they occupy by taking photos of me behind my back.) My son, who took this photo, decided to give it the title: “And, when hiking with the Mom …” (haha!)

Thank you, God for Your amazing creativity and design in tiny little wildflowers!

What about you?    What blessings has God recently sprinkled throughout your normal every day?