God wants me to trust Him, even when He says “No.”

God wants me to trust Him, even when He says “No.”

Psalm 23:1 – “The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.”

Sometimes it doesn’t feel like “I shall not want. Especially when God says “No” to the things I really really want.

My good shepherd has a purpose and plan for my life … one which will bring Him glory! My life is meant to bring glory to Jesus Christ!

When my good shepherd says “No” to the things I really want, it is because He has a greater plan for my life.

Jesus, my good shepherd, loves me! No matter what happens in life, even if I don’t like it, my good shepherd is taking care of me … and will ultimately take me to be with Him forever in Heaven!

My good shepherd loves me!

I need to trust my good shepherd!

“Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him.” – Job 13:15