Words of Wisdom – Memorial Day

Words of Wisdom – Memorial Day

In honor of Memorial Day, here are a few Words of Wisdom from my journal.

From the US Naval Academy:

“Now, more than ever before you will be challenged – morally, mentally, physically. It will not be easy. But let’s be clear – it’s not supposed to be easy. This program here is pressure with a purpose. Embrace this challenge. And strive to be your best every . single . day.”

“The first virtue of a good soldier is endurance of fatigue; courage is only the second virtue.
Make the mind push through when the heart wants to quit.”

“Rank isn’t about privilege – it’s about responsibility. It means you wake up earlier. It means you go to bed later. It means you carry more batteries. It means you drink less water. And imagine the effect in business or in public life generally if more of our leaders lived by that simple maxim ‘Officers eat last.'”

Military families move every 2-4 years.
Let’s remember to pray for our military families!

Change of city
Change of home
Change of friends
Change of climate
Change of culture
Change in landscape
Change in schedules & routines
Change in neighborhoods
Change in activities
Change in grocery stores, etc.
Change of schools

Our military families need our prayer! And our support!!
If you know a military family … love on them! Support them!